Beer pong (or beirut for the pretentious) has become ingrained in American culture since the 1970's. Everyone aged 13 and over knows what it is. By age 16, it's likely most people have played a game of beer pong at least once in their life.
It's seen as the quintessential party game. I can guarantee at almost every party you've ever attended, at least one game of beer pong has been played.
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The problem is, beer pong is a terrible party game for many reasons.
The first is that, unless all four players are very good, it takes forever.
This leads to the rest of the party goers standing around watching missed shot after missed shot. The players may shout in excitement and groan in disappointment as their fifteenth shot bounces off the rim, but everyone else in the room just wants Chad to dunk the last cup so the next two people can have their turn.
The second reason pong is terrible is because some people get WAY too competitive over it.
Tyler, we get it, you're still pissed off because Golden State never offered you a $50 million dollar contract. That doesn't mean you need to scream obscenities that could never be printed on this website at Tammy just because she missed her island shot. When the overly competitive aren't tearing into their partner's/opponents souls, they're calling bullshit on every one of their opponents shots based on some small rule they made up.
The last major reason beer pong is terrible is because it's rather exclusionary. Only four people can play at a time. As I said before, while those four are up, everyone else is standing around watching those playing, waiting their turn.
A party game shouldn't be a game that excludes people at the party. It's 2016 now, party games should be able to have everyone, or at least many more people, participate. Because watching four people toss a ping pong ball back and forth isn't fun, it's fucking boring.
Trying to think of a replacement party game? Try these.
The size of your table and number of solo cups is the only player cap in this fun, fast paced cup flipping drinking game.
It's like quarters but with solo cups and ping pong balls - only it gets you FAR more drunk. The only cap is the size of your table and how much beer you have.
Anyone with a beer and a quarter can play. Player cap is based on the size of your table.