There are two things Europe gets right almost every time without fail. Opera and beer. Both are loved by some and hated by many. Both have their own savants who are overly critical of the art form and both have a very interesting history. However, there are 5 ways they are exactly alike.
1. There are Many Types
Opera is split into a few genres a few ways. The singers have their own fach system. This is a Germanic system of classifying who sings what. The operas are classified into 30 different categories. The same goes for beer. There are hundreds of beers and they all fall into their own categories based on the brewer, the ingredients, and the brewing process.
2. It is an Acquired Taste
With so many types of beer and opera, it is hard to find one you really like. The reason most people don't like beer is that they try one (it is gross), and then they never try another. Or, maybe they try several of the same type and don't like it. Opera is very much the same way. It isn't all just vikings in helmets screaming their lungs out. In fact, that is the minority of the operatic repertoire. Most operas are very much like musicals, just in a different language and with music throughout. This is a love song from the opera La Boheme.
3. Friends Make it Better
With so much to take in, it's better to do it with a friend. Normally a friend who is already knowledgeable on the subject would be glad to take you out and expose you to something new. They can help expose you to different types if you don't like the first one you try. Neither drinking beer nor going to the theatre are overly expensive. Tickets to an ammatuer production of an opera are generally right around $20. Which is quite equitable to a case of beer.
4. They Go Together
Drinking songs are a big part of opera. Merriment and festivity are crucial to an entertaining opera, and the drinks are both onstage and in the lobby. At most theatres, there is a bar where you can drink in between acts. The bar pictured below is right outiside the Sydney Opera House. Drinking beer by itself doesn't sound like much fun, but if you add some music it can really liven up the mood.Here is a playlist of some lively opera party songs.
5. Sometimes You Need Subtitles
With opera being in so many different languages, theatres have installed supertitle machines that display what's being said onstage in English. With so many different beers to try it will take a while, and after trying out so many different beers you may need supertitles too.