Warning: Adulthood is closer than it appears. Maybe you are in full swing of being an adult, or maybe you are still teetering at the edge. Either way, it seems like you become an adult overnight. It might be difficult to accept that this is happening, but it is the circle of life. Here are 10 signs that you are becoming an adult:
1. LinkedIn is your go-to form of social media
Every time you get a notification from LinkedIn, you hope it is from "the one" -- no, not your crush. You hope it is the right person in the career world to get your foot in the door for your dream job. The connections there really matter, because they can help your career and can help you network with professionals all over the world. Sorry Snapchat and Instagram, LinkedIn is fun.
2. Your night out = being passed out in bed
After a long week of responsibilities, the idea of going out and doing things does not sound fun. So your typical Saturday night might be spent curled up on your couch or bed, watching TV, and then falling asleep at 8:30 with no regrets. Flipping not required.
3. Scheduling is difficult
Some friends are working full-time, others might be in school, or they can be all over the world chasing their dreams. As you get older, it seems that the time between seeing friends gets spread out, but the time you spend together is always special. You know you can always text them whenever you need some social interaction.
4. You reflect back on the "good old days"
The once in a blue moon chance you and your friends can all get together, there is usually a time where you reflect on the old times, talking about high school or the drama happening back in your hometown. You have never felt so old when you realize how many years it has been since you were in high school, and you compare things from then to now.
5. Your metabolism sloooooows down
It seems like if I think about unhealthy food, I can gain five pounds. Back in the "good old days," it seemed like you can eat whatever you want and not even gain a pound. Getting older means your metabolism is slowing down, so those slices of pizza you always chowed down on may not be your friends anymore. There will still be the people, though, that have a high metabolism and eat whatever they want, and you will feel a burning rage towards them. That rage will probably make you gain weight.
6. Vegetables aren't as bad as you thought
Since your metabolism is slowing down and our taste buds change, you realize that vegetables aren't really that bad. You used to choke them down to appease your parents, but now you find yourself eating salads and enjoying it. Yes, you would much rather eat a bag of chips than a salad, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
7. You find yourself in the grocery store more now
Getting older means more responsibilities, like going grocery shopping. Becoming an adult means you spend quite some time getting groceries. Whether you do online pickup or go walk the aisles, you have found the stores with the best deals, the carts that don't squeak, and going to the grocery store is your "me" time.
8. Food ages just as fast as you
Eating healthier items like fresh fruit and vegetables, plus the fact that you do the grocery shopping, makes you start to notice that food doesn't last very long. Whether it is strawberries, a loaf of bread, or bananas, they live short lives. It seems like one minute you put them down on the counter, the next, they take a turn for the worst. RIP food and wallet.
9. Life is a balancing act
Having a social life, chasing career goals, taking care of your house, self-care, and then add on everything life throws at you. You understand this guy because you're trying to do it all at once. Sometimes you succeed, but sometimes the balancing act you do is more a comedy show.
10. Gifts are practical now
Think back to when you were younger, and you wanted that toy or bike, or maybe even a puppy. You were so excited about what gift was waiting ahead of you. Fast-forward to almost adulthood, and now you look forward to household items, clothing, or anything that makes life easier. You may get a few exciting gifts every now and again, but you have to admit, there is nothing wrong with getting practical gifts. A gift is a gift, and in the end, it is something new to help you out as you get older.
Face it, we are all getting older, but we should enjoy the journey and find the joy in all the steps along the way. We may not be teenagers anymore, but with all the responsibility adulthood has, you also have a lot of freedom. If you notice these signs happening, you are approaching adulthood or are fully in it now. What stage of adulthood are you in?