When I tell people my major is Journalism, I get a lot of mixed emotions.
"Oh journalism, really?"
"Good for you, we need some good reporters."
In today society journalism and the media is not necessarily something people are a fan of and it's a hard industry to go into but I would not want to do anything else or anything less than what I love the most.
As a kid, I would always write stories for fun and for school. At school, my third-grade teacher pushed me to write and taught me how to write well. She was my biggest supporter and still is but saw something in me and continued to push me.
As I grew older, I entered high school not knowing what to expect but I had joined a journalism class. It was the best thing that happened to me. My high school publications advisor had also seen the potential for me as a writer and was constantly giving me story opportunities and publishing opportunities that allowed me not only to improve my writing but to gain experience. And I loved it more than ever.
Through middle and high school I had encountered some challenges: having Scoliosis and being diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, writing gave me an opportunity to have a voice through the power of writing in a blog or Instagram post. It also allowed me to share my story and experiences. It made me realize that I want to do that for other people, I want to be able to give them an opportunity to have a voice and share their stories with me.
I have done a multitude of internships, being published in several publications, being apart of magazine and yearbook in high school made me want to be a part of sharing stories and creating them.
The opportunities and connections I have made over my last four years have been insane and this is the only start of my journalism career. This is the career I want to be in, the one that is constantly changing and adapting, the job that you never know what you are going to get or expect. It's a hard job, being under the eyes of everyone and constantly being criticized but it is worth it.
I've simply have fallen in with the craft, the idea that I can make an impact on others, that I have the power to share stories and ideas for people that are scared to share their story on their own.
That's why I want to be a journalist. That's why I want to do what I love the most.