When most people think better half, they usually think significant other. While I love my boyfriend with all my heart, my better half is definitely my younger brother. It's not that I don't consider my boyfriend important enough, it's that my brother's always been there for me, even when he can't physically be there. Unfortunately, I haven't really noticed how true that is until quite recently.
There are 14 months between Nathan and me, and growing up my parents' friends always asked if we were twins. In more recent years, newcomers often ask if I'm sure I'm older. Yes, I'm sure. I grew up bossing him around and I will never let go of the fact that I am the product of six years of my parents trying to conceive.
You always hear parents talking about how children are so disrespectful in their teens. I am not here to dispute that; I was not easy to handle in my early and mid-teens. (Okay, I'm in my late teens and still pitch a fight every now and then). What they don't tell you is that while you're terrorizing your parents, you often cast aside your siblings. That is time that we will never get back and I am so, incredibly sorry I did.
Two years ago, Nathan was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes, and I don't think I'll ever forget the day I received that phone call. Spring vacation was starting and I had gone on a hike with some friends from school. On the way home, my mom called me and told me she was at the hospital with Nathan and that he'd been diagnosed. That night, my grandparents stayed with me and when my mom came home she was crying and swearing. I'd never seen her cry before.
The next week, we were scheduled to go to Jamaica, but it didn't look like that would happen. Fortunately for us, my mom's best friend works at UMass Memorial and a hospital stay that should have lasted five to seven days only lasted three. The day after he was released from the hospital, we boarded our plane.
Two weeks ago, we had a "family" dinner with my mom, dad, boyfriend, Nathan, and Nathan's three friends. While I was enjoying my Lo Mein, Sam, one of Nathan's best friends, asked me about school. I told him it was going well but told him I was ready to be a commuter student next fall. He told me how Nathan brags about me all the time at school. It seems like the cat may be out of the bag.
I guess it's my turn to brag. I'm proud of the young man Nathan's become. He scored your first touchdown in the fall and I don't think anyone in Charlton didn't hear. Nathan's sneaker business is taking off and we just recently went to his first event. He raised over $3,000 for his friend and I've never been prouder. No, we don't always see eye to eye, but I'll always stand by his decisions. Wherever he goes and whatever he does, I can't wait to see how awesome Nathan turns out.
With Love,
Your Big Sister