Let's face it; sometimes, life can get pretty boring, especially during the summer. You can't work 24/7 and on your days off, sometimes your friends can't hang out. So, here's a list of things to do when you have nothing else to do.
1. Make homemade ice cream. Let's be real here, there's never a bad time for homemade ice cream (or homemade anything for that matter).
2. Clean your room. You know that pile of clothing that you've been avoiding since the day it came out of the dryer? Hang it up or fold it. Grab the vacuum and clean your floor. Dust the fan that's been collecting all sorts of things over the past weeks. Pro Tip: Play some music when you clean. It makes it a lot more fun.
3. Go for a swim/bike ride/walk with your dog (or cat, if you don't have a dog). When I'm bored, I go hang out with my dog. We usually go to the dog park, or go for a walk. Bonding with your pets is important, since you're more than likely not home all the time during the school year. They miss you just as much as you miss them.
4. Go to the gym. Exercise is fun and if you can bring a friend, that makes the gym even better. Find a new workout before you go, and switch up what you do. It's always good to change your plan up.
5. Go to the zoo. Zoos are fun for all ages. Animals are fun and it's a good way to get out of the house and learn without actually having to think super hard.
6. Go to the park with some friends. Most parks have a swing set, and that screams fun (at least to me).
7. Read a book. Most everyone has a book or a list of books that they've been dying to read, but have no time to do so. This is your time! Cozy up on your couch and get to reading!
8. Go on a friend date. When I've had a bad day, or don't have much to do, I usually text a friend to see what's up. If they aren't doing anything, and we are feeling up to it, we go on a friend date. Friend dates usually consist of food (sushi or pizza) and ice cream from the local ice cream shop downtown.
9. Go on Pinterest and make a DIY. Projects are always fun, especially when they're something new that you've never done before. It's also always fun to see what kind of DIY fails pictures you can come up with.
10. Write a story.Writing has always been an outlet for me and when I have nothing much to do, I tend to sit down and write.
11. Netflix is always an option. Who doesn't love binge watching their favorite t.v. shows or types of movies on a boring Saturday afternoon? Personally, I recommend "Friends," "Grey's Anatomy," or "Peaky Blinders."