1. I choose my words carefully.
Too many times, I have entered a conversation, only to end up feeling invisible, or that I simply have nothing good to contribute about the topic at hand. Trying to gauge the path that a conversation takes is an art form that I have never been good at it, and when I do try to respond to something that somebody else has said about a particular topic, the conservation has already changed course. Otherwise, I'll say something that goes completely ignored, or somebody will give me a funny look, as if they think I was not there for what was said. As a result, I have learned to always think before I speak, and all of my words must have significant meaning. I've come to learn that fewer words that have more meaning, have way more impact than a lot of words that have little meaning!
2. I get burnt out easily.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a great conversation, I dare say more than the next person! If I'm talking about something that I'm truly passionate about, I could go on for hours. But I simply do not have the mental energy to be interacting with people every second of every day, as extroverted people do. Constantly interacting with many people can leave me drained, and I will eventually start to lose focus and space out. There have been countless times where I'll be hanging out with friends and having a great time, but my mind will decide that enough is enough, and I'll leave abruptly. It is nothing personal, it's just that I always need that balance of social interaction and alone time to keep my batteries charged.
3. I absolutely LOVE my alone time.
A lot of my more extroverted friends thrive on being able to interact with people 24/7. They are like the Energizer Bunny; Their thirst for social interaction never dies, it just keeps going. It is always being out on the social scene that fulfills their social needs, and that's perfectly okay! That doesn't mean I never go out with friends, in fact I do all the time, and I really enjoy it! But there are also times where I truly thrive on being on my own. There are plenty of times where all of my friends are out on a Friday night, and I prefer to relax in my dorm, doing things such as reading a good book, watching Netflix, or simply listening to Jazz Records. It is being in the state of self reflection that allows me to grow the most as a human being. I feel that this personal reflection actually helps me out in social situations.
4. I hate being on my own in big crowds of people.
This is perhaps the single most irritating thing about being an introvert. I am simply AWFUL at handling myself around people that I am unfamiliar with! An example that I always use is when I go to class in the morning, and I'm in a crowded elevator with nobody I know. Often times, people know each other and are fully engaged in conversation, and I'm the only one who is just awkwardly standing with his headphones on listening to music. I always feel so out of place, and it leaves my skin absolutely crawling. If I'm headed to an event where there's lots of people, (Parties, Performances, Roaming the city, Etc.) I always make sure to bring a friend or two along for the ride. I always feel uneasy in these types of situations because I have a natural tendency to be quiet and soft spoken. I'm not the kind of person to just walk up to anybody and start a conversation. I've always taken social interaction as it came to me, and it hasn't always came easy.
5. I say lots of awkward things.
This one is actually quite hilarious to me. I cannot tell you how many times I've made untimely and unfitting responses to questions or statements that are directed towards me. There have many times where somebody will say a simple "Hello!" to me, and I'll respond with something like "Good, Thanks!" followed by me having to correct myself. Yikes....Way to leave a good first impression!
6. There have been lots of times where somebody will ask me to hang out, and I'll say I'm busy when I'm really not.
I feel like this is something that almost all introverts can relate too. As stated above, introverts need time on their on to recharge their batteries in order to successfully engage in social interaction. There are some days where I like I need to be doing my own thing, fulfilling my own creative spirit. When somebody asks me to hang out on days like this, I politely say "Sorry, I'm busy!" or "Sorry, I'm out doing something!' when that usually means I am sitting on my own enjoying the peace and quiet, and the serenity of the moment. To my close friends, this has probably happened to you. Do not take this personally! It just means that I am not in the state of mind to entertain social interaction at that moment.
7. I like having a small circle of close friends, as opposed to a large one.
This is another thing that I feel like almost every introvert can relate too. Introverts tend to like more intimate social settings, as bigger ones can lead to us feeling overwhelmed. My high school group was one that was very small, but we were ALWAYS inseparable. Now, we are all in living in different locations, but manage to keep in touch on a daily basis. Introverts are VERY selective in who we choose to associate with, as trying to make friends is not the easiest thing in the world. Having a small group of friends has allowed me to become very close to everyone, and for everyone to truly get to know me. We are all weird in our own way, and we all show our true selves in this intimate setting. If I had a larger group of friends, I would most likely feel overwhelmed in social settings, and it would not be nearly as personable as the small one that I have now.
8. I can sometimes be misinterpreted as disrespectful, rude, or somebody who hates people.
I hate when this happens to me, because that means somebody gets an impression of me that is flat out wrong. When I am in my "anti-social" mode, I tend to not talk to people no matter who is around. There have been times where somebody will say Hi to me or wave to me and I'll respond half-heartedly, but will not initiate conversation beyond that. This can be followed by the other person either shrugging their shoulders and walking away, or even sometimes, a dirty look. I tend to leave the impression that I dislike that person, or all social interaction in general, which are both 100% false. I choose to disengage completely from social interaction when I'm in this state of mind, as I feel like I'd be the conversation just wouldn't flow naturally. I certainly do not hate people, or ANY person in general. In fact, I always try to find common ground with as many people as I can!
9. If I go out of my way to say hello to you, or to ask you to hang out, it means you mean A lot to me.
As I've mentioned before, Introverts are not the most comfortable in social settings, so we are very selective in terms of who we like to associate with. It is a fact that I'm uncomfortable around most people. So if I have ever went out of my way to say hi to you, ask you how you're doing, or go as far as to ask you to hang out, that means you stand out in a big way in my mind. It means i'm 100% comfortable in your presence. Introverts do crave social interaction, just in a different way than most. Hopefully you feel honored!
Deep conversations are something that I truly live for. Introverts truly thrive in 1-on-1 settings, where the other person has our complete attention, and we have theirs. Introverts are constantly craving true connection with people. We do not socialize to pass time, we do it to grow with people. It is very special to us. This is where we can truly express ourselves, and open up. Everybody wants to be able to express themselves, and deep conversations are one of the most common ways of doing just that. I am a person who loves discussing ideas, movies, music, or pretty much anything. I especially love deep talks about personal lives the most, as it truly allows me to connect with the other person that I am having the conversation with. Like most introverts, I am awful forcing small talk, and frankly, I view it as meaningless. It is too surface level for my liking. As someone who loves to connect with people, deep talks are the golden key to connection, and that is the social arena where I truly thrive in.
11. I sometimes wish I was an extrovert.
Every introverted person I've discussed this with can relate to this on a spiritual level. There are certainly many challenges that come along with having an introverted personality. I wish it was easier for me to thrive in big crowds of people. I wish I was a lot more out going. I wish I could be able to communicate effectively with people on a consistent basis. I wish I didn't say hilariously awkward things sometimes. The list goes on and on. Introverted people are truly of a unique species!
12. I've been told I'm a fantastic listener.
One thing I am certain of is that all introverts are very observant human beings. We are very analytical, and truly see the world from a different point of view. When I listen to music, I tend to soak up every little detail. When I'm in a group of people having a conversation, i tend to sit back soak up all of the verbal stimuli going on around me, instead of adding my own. This is why I thrive in 1-on-1 settings. I am very good at listening to what the other person is saying, and developing a well calculated response. I love getting to know people n their entirety, and being able to relate to them. I always give people my undivided attention. I've had lots of friends vent to me about their problems, or come to me asking for advice on various topics. Perfecting the art of listening is the key to conversation, and when 2 people are successfully able to listen and respond accordingly, it results in perfect perfection. In a world that seems to be moving faster and faster as time goes on, I feel as though fewer and fewer people have the ability to actually listen and observe what's going on around them. The millennial generation as a whole has an awful attention span because we have grown up in an era where more and more information is being thrown our away, and we have little time to consume it.
13. I am completely happy with my introverted self, and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
I am afraid that there are parts of this article that give off the vibe that I am an anti-social, unhappy human being. That is 100% false! These are common misconceptions that all introverted people face at one point or another. I am fortunate enough to have a great family, and an amazing group of friends from high school and college respectively. Being introverted definitely has its unique challenges, but it also has its unique strengths that I have always embraced. It has allowed me to be different from the rest, and truly appreciate my own individuality. It has allowed me to connect with so many amazing people on a really intimate level. It has allowed me to pursue a creative lifestyle, and to surround myself with people who have similar goals and aspirations. I've never been one to truly follow the crowd, I've always been happy doing my own thing, no matter what people may have thought about it. To all introverts out there, I hope you have also learned to embrace your strengths as much as I have. And to everyone else, I hope you're lucky enough to be able to befriend at least one introvert throughout your lifetime, as we are truly a special bunch, and can be some of the craziest people you've ever met once we feel comfortable around you. ;)