In order to be able to keep up with yourself, you have to carry the essentials. Here are 10 things you should always carry in your bag.
1. Blotting paper
Blotting paper is so helpful. They are basically this little sheets that come in a pack and it helps with removing access oil on your face. So instead of walking around with an uncomfortable, oily, sticky, face, pull out a blotting sheet and remove the oil on your face.
I like the blotting paper from Ulta Beauty. Also, it just makes me feel a lot fresher when I get oil even sweat off of my face.
2. Lip gloss
This is something that everyone should know. But keeping lip gloss in your bag is important. Nobody wants to walk around with ashy, chapped lips.
And if you don't like lipgloss, then try lip blam, or you can even use coconut oil. I prefer this certain kind of lipgloss I get from my local beauty supply store, for only $1. To me, it's really moisturizing, and I always buy a couple at a time just because their so cheap.
3. Concealer
I feel having concealer in your bag is really important. Only because sometimes we need a touch up on our make up. Throughout the day, we sometimes rub off our makeup, or our makeup doesn't stay all day.
So having concealer in your bag is something that can help, and it also very easy to travel with. I suggest also getting one of those small beauty blenders in your bag so it's easier to carry around.
4. Hair care products
It is so important to carry your hair supplies with you. Now, I'm not saying bring every gel, brush, comb, edge control, you have. But I would say have in your bag an extra comb you don't mind not having at home with you. You can even buy the little travel size gels or edge controls to put in your bag.
I would also suggest buying yourself a travel size mirror just to bring with you so you don't have to do your hair or makeup in front of everyone in a restroom.
5. Moisturizer
I'm pretty sure this is something that everyone does but just in case. Always carry around with you some kinds of lotion or moisturizer for your face. I think where some people mess up at is a moisturizer for your face, and lotion is sometimes two different things.
Lotion is more prone to clog your pore, because of the oil that some lotions have. Whereas moisturizers for your face, sometimes have no oil in them and still moisturize very well. I'm not saying never use lotion on your face again because for me I haven't run into a problem with using lotion on my face. But for some who notice that your certain lotion is causing breakouts, I would suggest looking into a moisturizer for your face that is oil free.
6. An eye roller
So, I bought this detox eye roller from a brand called "First Aid Beauty" and basically, it kind of reminds me of the roll on lipgloss I use to have when I was little. It's in that exact form, but you use it for under and around your eye, and it helps with bring down the puffiness in the eyes, its soothing, and it can also help with dark circles.
I think this is something that is very important to have in your bag because it's kind of like a pick-me-up. It helps with feeling more refreshed, and also makes you feel more awake.
7. Your makeup bag
Get yourself a small, travel size makeup bag. This help so much because then you are able to have all your makeup and other accessories in a certain part of your bag you don't have to look around and search for whatever you're looking for.
8. Accesories
This isn't really beauty but still something I think you should have in your bag are extra accessories such as earrings, rings, etc. Sometimes earrings randomly fall out, so having a back up is always helpful. Also having extra backs to your earrings also come in handy.
9. Water
Again, this isn't really beauty, but as we all know water can help with your skin in the long run. So drink your water, carry it around and stay hydrated! Water is able to flush out all the toxins in your skin which can help with clearing your skin. So it's important that you at least try to get your recommended daily amount.
10. Face wipes
Lastly, carry makeup remover wipes with you. This is so important to me because then if you somehow smudge your eyebrow, or mess up your lipstick, you are able to just wipe and fix. That way you won't have to walk around with a messed eyebrow or lipstick all day.
It is obvious that carrying around things that will make your beauty process easy is very important. So make sure you're keeping things in your bag that will be beneficial.