In today's world, many denigrate the idea of playing video games. Parents scold their children for playing too many video games. Although video games can waste a lot of time it's important to understand the perspective of a gamer. The beauty of video games lies in their ability to tell a story through many senses from touch (vibrating controllers) to vision. When playing video games one embarks on a journey where one can navigate a story. Movies lack this tangible factor. A video game contains a world which the player can interact with and do as they see fit. Although this tangible storytelling is more obvious with newer open-world games, it can still be seen in ancient arcade games like Tetris or Pack-man. Although a horrifying story of a man being followed by envious ghosts when playing Pack-man one follows a goal (to eat all the white dots). Consequently, a player aiming to win a video must be able and willing to both create and update on strategies. When a gamer keeps dying on one level he/she must learn and try new tactics to win. This virtuosity can translate to other aspects of life that require problem-solving. Too often do people get stuck in habits which leads them to have cyclical/chronic unhealthy behaviors. Although video games can turn into one of those habits, when done in moderation, video games can improve one's cognitive functions and physical functions. Many tend to forget the hand-eye coordination and dexterity necessary to play video games. An average gamer can press 3 buttons at a time while also moving a joystick. This level of dexterity is truly unprecedented. 8 fingers are all being used at the same time, moreover, each finger does a different motion (pulling, pressing, rolling). More importantly, many tend to invalidate a video game's ability to enhance people's ability to be alone. Today, due to the many facets of our social lives, we tend to detest being alone. Many will go on social media if alone for just a second to feel more connected to others. Unfortunately, this loneliness anxiety leads to a lack of introspective human, where we sit alone to contemplate aspects of our lives. Some video games are like reading a good book. For example, Horizon Zero Dawn tells an intricate fictional story about the future of the biosphere and God of War depicts some of the complexities of fatherhood after the death of a mother. Book readers will argue that reading an amazing book creates a perceptual experience where you feel connected to the author and the story. Similarly, video games create a perceptual experience where you can interact and reshape the story. At the end of the story, not only does a gamer feels satisfied for beating the game, but he/she also feels a sense of ritualistic symbiosis with the characters as they suffered the challenging levels together. Although there are a million more things to say about video games, the beauty of video games lies in their infinite ways to tell a story, whether through a linear gaming experience or open-world extravaganza. More importantly, video games, if done right, can lead to more thoughtful and dexterous humans.
LifestyleJan 09, 2020
The Beauty of Video Games
A video game can tell a story like no other form of media. video games create a sense of agency for the gamer. The story is both watched and played.