When I was a girl, I think I cried over everything. I could not grasp that life would not be perfect and always go my way. There are 6 billion people in this world and not one of them are the same. Not only are they not the same, but each person has a different idea of life and how they want to achieve steps in their life.
My mother has always told me to see the good in people. She has told me that something positive can and will come out of any situation. She has told me that I need to always keep sight of the beauty of life. These concepts have stayed with me ever since and are some that I strive to live my life by. But sometimes, life can be frustrating. Challenges can come our way just when we need them the least. We need to be reminded of these ideas that my mother taught me to help us remain optimistic. I hope this article can serve as your daily reminders when you need them the most.
When you feel stressed out, remember to take a step back.
When you feel overwhelmed, know that you are capable of achieving anything.
When you feel like giving up, remember why you began in the first place.
When you feel tired, remember your end goal and what you want to accomplish.
When you feel hurt, remember that time will heal you.
When you feel discouraged, know that what you are doing is good enough.
When you feel unheard, remember that what you are doing is important.
When you feel like you are alone, remember that you are surrounded by people.
When you feel like you have nothing, remember that you have the world.
When you feel like you do nothing, remember all and who that you have impacted.
When you feel like you are nothing, remember that you are everything to someone.
Though we are but just one person in this big world, each of us makes a difference. Life is great and it is beautiful. No it is not always fair, and I do not believe that 'everything happens for a reason.' It is up to us to decide our own fate. By seeing the beauty of life, we remember why life is so valuable. His life, her life, their life, my life, your life.
See the beauty of life, and you will see the beauty in you.