We've all been there, sad and lacking confidence after staring at yourself in the mirror too long and comparing yourself to those skinny girls on Instagram. We've all thought that since they're so pretty they have more friends than you, boys seem to be all over them and/or they're prettier because they are skinner. Afterward, you feel so unhappy you either cry, grab food and then cry or you decide you're going to make the change needed to get the same body those girls have.
All for what? The satisfaction that men find you attractive because you have a skinny body and a skinny body will make everyone love you? For God's sake, take that bullshit and throw it out the fucking window because YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. You don't need the validation from a crummy guy to tell you that you are beautiful when you should realize that from within. Every single girl is beautiful in their own way and looking for recognition from a guy is ridiculous in my opinion. If a guy is turned off by one look at a girl's body, then fuck him. He doesn't deserve you or your love and affection because he's not the right guy for you and he's not worth trying to impress or whatever.
And with the "Oh I'll look like those pretty Instagram models one day," again take that bullshit and throw it out the window. Who gives a shit if you look or don't look like those girls? No one does. God made us in a way that He believed we were beautiful as, and deciding that you want to change yourself for someone is just going to offend God; He didn't make you the way you are if He didn't think you were beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. And who even knows, what if those girls starve themselves in order to be skinny or they might even Photoshop themselves to achieve the "standard of beauty" that society so meaninglessly has for girls these days? Never judge a book by its cover. This saying goes for both ways: when a girl is comparing herself to someone they see and how the girl sees herself. We are all awesome and amazing in our own ways, we just have to take the time to see it in ourselves and not seek affirmation from others to tell us how beautiful we are.
Having confidence in yourself takes time, believe me. It took me a while to become confident in myself and I'm still struggling and trying to find it every day. I still go through phases where I seek validation from someone to tell me that I'm pretty or what's so unique about me and things like that. But in the long run, I know that I am the best version of myself. I've been through so much shit in the past and I'm still here; I'm still alive and I'm so thankful for that. I do know that I am beautiful and that I am cute and that I am hot and I don't need some stupid guy to tell me all those things in order for me to recognize that about myself.
Regardless, you can't compare yourself to others and think that you have to go to extreme measures when you're unhappy to make someone else who isn't worth it happy. If they truly care about you, they will love you for who you are, curves and all. Screw those people who overlook how amazing you are. In terms of boys and such, if they can't see how amazing you are then they can literally go screw themselves because let me tell you, honey, you are the most amazing and beautiful girl. Be confident in who you are and don't compare your beauty to others because physical beauty is not true beauty, inner beauty is all that matters.