In today's society, it is desirable to be independent. Hardly ever do you hear someone put down another for being independent, because we're lead to believe that successful, independent people have it all together. It's everywhere in the media. If you're independent, then you're doing something right, but what we might not realize is that it's nearly impossible to do things on your own.
For ladies, we want to be known as this strong independent woman. We get it. You don't need a man. But you do need someone. It can't be easy living alone, paying bills, caring for yourself, and spoiling yourself. Even if you are successful enough to be able to do all of these things with little to no stress, they aren't exactly fun by yourself. It's so important to have people there for you, whether that's your family, friends, or even a "man."
Speaking of which, men can also be too independent. They think that they're supposed to be these strong and supportive people. There's nothing wrong with being strong and supportive, but you can't exactly do that on your own. Sometimes you do need help from your friends, and it does not make you any less manly to ask for help. Most of the time, you'll find the tasks that you need help with are actually more enjoyable with your buddies, not to mention a lot easier. Depending on others doesn't make you any less of a man.
As a very independent young lady, I know that this independent attitude can be hard to shake, and it can also make it harder for people to love you. I usually wait until the last second to ask for help with anything. This can lead to slight frustration with others, and the realization that if I had asked for help sooner, everyone would have been better off. Being independent can be really lonely too. The more that I reflect on my independent attitude, the more I realize that I've come off as standoffish, because I think that I can do anything on my own, but it's actually quite the opposite. I really can't do anything alone, and quite frankly, I don't really like doing things on my own.
Life is a lot more enjoyable when we surround ourselves with people who love us and are willing to lend a helping hand. Don't do life alone. Enjoy others' company, and don't be afraid to ask for their help. People who truly love you are more than happy to help. There's no shame in being dependent. After all, we could all use a little help from others every once in a while. It doesn't make you weak or less successful, but actually a lot more fun.