Beauty is in all,
Maybe that ball, rolling away
Beauty has its simple ways,
Of showing its face,
Thickset and curt,
Tall and scrawny.
All are full of beauty.
Flowers singing,
Sun shining.
Beauty has its complex ways,
Of showing it’s face.
We often forget to see the beauty, only looking at the bad, the ugly, and the dirt of this world. They say "Stop and smell the roses," but what if there are none to be found? It is hard to see them, and if you do, all you see is the wilted, decaying corpse of was once a beautiful specimen. The thing is, if you add a bit of water to that flower, even just a drop, every day, you will find that that ugly, dirty corpse, will turn into the most beautiful thing. brightening your day every time you see it. Keep that rose growing, thriving, and you will see that everything comes to something good.