They don't yell aloud what they're made of, or where they plan on taking you. Sometimes they stay tucked in the corner, sitting in the dark and waiting for light to shed the fear. Sometimes they consume us, making each and every thought a revolving door around an unknown desire. They're confusing and test our patience, bringing a whole new meaning to the level of perfection in God's timing. They're branded across our hearts and planted deep within by the Author who placed them uniquely into our individual stories.
Our dreams are no coincidence and the door is wide open. Maybe you're not sure how you're being called and are standing in the dark waiting for a push in the right direction. Maybe you know the dream etched on your heart and won't move forward due to a fear of falling. Only, there is no way of knowing what's on the other side of possibility unless we step boldly in the direction of faith. We're not always told which door to go through or which one to choose, but what matters is not the guarantee of a safe and fulfilling outcome. The beauty in these God-sized dreams is the adventure in the journey of finding them. We're not given play-by-play instructions but we are given the tools and wisdom to choose wisely.
God's will for us is not built around our lifetime achievements- it is built around the people we become in the midst of them. His dream for us is that we become wonderful in His image, and there is not a fear or obstacle that can stop that. The key is, the God who placed the dream on your heart is the same God who knows how weak and broken you are. Don't ask for the details, ask for trust and live for the excitement in the adventure ahead. We cannot learn to trust without the vulnerability presented in a dose of risk and blindness to the outcome ahead. These God-sized dreams aren't similar to any regular dream in the sense of their purpose: they're not about where you end up, but more about how you end up. They're about chasing God with as much passion and purpose as He chases you with, and for constantly and genuinely believing that you're made for more.
We should chose to step boldly into the blessings that are God-sized dreams because the adventure found in a simple 'yes' is more alive than the security and safety abiding in an easily-said 'no'. The God that is living in you has no limit and the dream He has placed on your heart is just the same; you are equipped with all the right tools and you already are who you need to be- beautifully and wonderfully made at the hands of our Creator.