There is this belief circling throughout our society. And while you're thinking, no way, there is no possible way we all believe the same thing, in all actuality we are. It is a belief widely known, and unfortunately highly accepted. This belief is the one that all women hate themselves.
Now, this isn't necessarily that we hate everything about ourselves, but it is majorly focused on our looks.
All throughout society, women have been told what is believed to be attractive. We have been subconsciously brainwashed through television and magazines and popular media stars what is deemed acceptable and attractive. It's hard to believe that being pale as can be was the vision of wealth many years ago.
In the past, many beauty industries targeted very thin and skinny women. The thinner you were, the more attractive to the eye. While our society still targets the ideal beauty as thin, we are expanding our viewpoints ever so slightly. More and more women are standing up to societal standards and creating a new definition of beauty. This beauty that encompasses all women of different shapes and sizes.
But the rest of society hasn't quite caught up.
Society now is saying that "thicc" (thick) girls are the best, but what does that mean? To many, it means a smaller waist but a heavier bottom. Girls with more junk in the truck. What society fails to realize is the effect this has on us women. How we strive to achieve that smaller waistline and ideal body type. How we look at ourselves in the mirror on any given day and think of all the ways we would change our bodies. Now, I can't speak for all women, but I can definitely speak for myself.
I have a fairly neutral body type. I have a smaller waist and slightly heavier top and bottom. To many, this would be ideal, but to me, I wish I could accept it.
So many girls and women I know hate the way they look. They hate the way their body looks and they hate the way they think others see their bodies. We call ourselves fat because we truly believe we are. And fat doesn't just mean around the midsection. I personally know that I never give a second thought to how someone looks because I want to believe that beauty is everywhere.
I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own way, yet when it comes to myself? Beauty is what those around me say.
Society is slowly changing and evolving to show that everyone is beautiful, and it will take time to convince all of us that it is true. But that change won't happen unless we make it happen. Be courageous in who you are and what you look like. Be bold, be daring, be everything you want to be.
You are your own change. You may struggle with the idea, you may have some bad days, but as long as you are able to pick yourself back up, you can make a difference in your life. Help start the change in beauty's definition. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the only opinion that matters is your own.