Summer is such a beautiful time outdoors, not only because of the warmth of the sunshine but also because of the lush greenery. The rain waters from the spring have been soaked up by the plants and have given life and beauty to the world around us. Whether you go to your local park, ride your bike through the wooded trails of a state forest, hike up to the mountaintop to take in a breathtaking view, or travel to a beach to listen to the peaceful rhythm of the waves lapping back and forth, these majestic beauties of the natural world are transcendent. It is in them that we realize just how small we are. There must be something beyond us, something that could have created such beauty, an ultimate source of this beauty, which could only be God. He has blessed us with such beauty to fill our hearts with the joy of His goodness. Through nature, we witness just a sliver of His own majesty. If such beauty lies before us, what Beauty is God Himself? If such beauty lies before us, what beauty have we, made in God's own image? We often talk about the beauty of a sunset or the grandeur of a mountain view but forget the beauty of ourselves. While the natural world is absolutely amazing, we, as human beings, are far more grand, far more beautiful. Just as all of creation reflects the Creator, no creature or creation can reflect the Creator as beautifully and profoundly as the human being. Next time you are overwhelmed with the beauty of creation, remember your own beauty and how you are more beautiful and more valuable than any sunset or spectacular view. Remember to praise God in that moment, for not only the blessing of the beauty He has made all around us, but also within us.
LifestyleJul 11, 2017
The Beauty Of Creation
The beauty of creation reveals the beauty of our own souls and the beauty of our Creator.