Think of a word that describes the way you look...
The first word that I thought of when I used to think about myself was plump.
You may not agree with me that I am plump, but when I looked into a mirror, that is what I saw.
I am not very tall, I have a short torso, so my body doesn't have much room to store fat without me looking bloated. My hips have love handles in some outfits I choose, and my boobs are a bit on the big side.
Notice though, when I describe myself I always go for the negatives. I figure if I point it out and let others know that I know, then maybe they won't judge me as much.
But why do I care? Why is it that a lot of women see negative things about themselves? There could be a million answers to these questions, but in the past few months I have been putting myself through an experiment to change the way I see myself.
Every morning when I wake up, I look into the mirror and say one good thing about myself. Sometimes it's hard because I'm looking a little rough, or I'm just not feeling beautiful that day, but I force myself to find something that I like about myself.
After a few months of simply saying one nice thing to yourself, you actually start to see yourself focusing on the positive things about yourself. For example: My hair is beautiful today, My outfit is perfect or My smile just is great today.
Awhile later, you start to believe these compliments you give yourself, and you start to see your mood change. Starting the day off with a positive comment about yourself really makes your day a whole lot better. And any time you start to feel down, remind yourself of that compliment.
I not only saw myself improving, but I started to improve how I saw others too. In my head, if I saw a girl wearing something really short or something that I did not find as pretty, I would think to myself, "Why would she wear that?" But now, I am thinking, "Work it, girl."
The comments you make to yourself and others really affect your whole life. Start empowering yourself and others, even with simple comments you can completely change someones day, even your own.
So I challenge the readers of this article, go home and make yourself find something you love about yourself. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and everyone has something to love about themselves. I promise it will change you for the better.
And in the words of RuPaul, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love someone else?"