The beloved childhood film Beauty and the Beast was a favorite of mine growing up. The foreshadowing of the book she read and how it related to her own life, the beast that transform into a prince, the gorgeous man who is actually ugly on the inside, and society thinking Belle is odd for being intellectual and curious as a women. All of these things now make me love the movie even more, but back then, I just loved the fact that love so strong could change a creature into a prince.
Unfortunately, as I got older, the possibility of fairy tales happening to me or occurring in my life seemed as just that: a fairy tale. Love was not as simple as the movies made it and it didn't happen so easily. Before you can get to love, you have to go through heart break and pain. Disney is meant to give children hope, laughter, and a moral story, but as those kids grow older, the hope tends to die, the laughter subsides, and they are left with only the moral story.
After that sad, sad statement, if one wants to continue to enjoy the movies, then one can either just watch them as a kid would, or one can look at the deeper meanings behind the characters and fairy tale.
In Beauty and the Beast, Belle is a bright, strong, independent woman, who loves her father and the ability to learn more. She loves to read and learn, and she can't wait to get her hands on a new book, but loves to reread her favorite ones. This to me was so important growing up, because I love reading, so it was easy to relate to her; however, how the town acted towards her because of her wanting to gain knowledge and be smart on her own, their out-casting of her made her feel so alone, and I related to that too. Just because someone is different doesn't mean we need to treat them differently.
Belle's action's are sweet and kind, and that is reflected in the time she spends with the beast. At first she is reclusive towards him, for he forces her to be prisoner. As time goes on though, no matter how different he is from her, she shows him the same compassion as she would any other individual. This was also important to me. Showing others true kindness even when kindness is not shown to you in return or the start.
So, in the end, I still love Disney movies. They are very family oriented and entertaining, but I admire them differently than how I did when I was a little girl. I realize now that Belle's actions were always for her own good, but in doing good for herself, by being true to who she is, she was able to help those around her in every way.