Beauty and the Beast. A girl falls in love with a Beast because she sees his true self. Such a romantic story, right?
Now, I know what you guys are all thinking: Why in the world is this girl writing an article about Beauty and the Beast? The new live action movie came out in March, so what could I possibly be talking about? Basically, Lander University offers tons of events on campus for students to do and tonight they showed the movie in the auditorium. Then my friend and I came up with a great idea: why don’t I write an article about the meaning of Beauty and the Beast and how it relates to the world today?
If you really sat down and thought about it, would you consider yourself a beauty, or would you consider yourself a beast? Now, I’m not talking about your appearance. I’m talking about what’s really deep down. Are you as kind and compassionate as Belle? Are you mean and angry like the Beast? Now, where I’m going with this is that in the real-world, people never take the time to think about things. People are always too quick to judge everyone on either appearance or behavior when they have no idea what they are going through.
The story teaches us that inner beauty is greater than outer beauty. True beauty comes from within; It’s about being kind to others. We shouldn’t just care about ourselves, but we should also care about other people. It teaches us to look beyond what we can see. The beast looks scary and intimidating, but deep down after Belle looks past it, he is caring and gentle.
The story also teaches us to “Dare to be Different”. Belle is an innocent village girl who loves reading. She is very smart, but everyone thinks she is odd and peculiar. This gives us the great lesson to be ourselves.
We’re living in a world that is constantly changing and so are the people around us. We can easily relate to Beauty and the Beast, and many other Disney fairytales to today’s world. Through the relationship of Belle and the Beast, we can see how accepting people and being kind and compassionate can help change relationships.
So always remember, never judge a book by its cover, and always be kind and compassionate to others.