From a young age, the idealization of being pursued is what young girls long for growing up, to find her Prince Charming and to live a life of waiting for him to come sweep her off of her feet. We don’t get taught to climb down the rope of our own castles because that takes effort, and the romance out of the fairytale. So what is the deterrent of this situation? The fact of the matter that girls should be pursuing as well.
I remember one situation quite well; a young boy and I were having a conversation about music. This conversation turned into a long discussion and made me feel as though I must’ve been saying all the right sentences at precisely the right time. We had similar tastes in music, and we even attended the same concert, without knowing it. Right, then I came to the conclusion that we had our moment. This moment of belonging, where he interested me and I definitely had to interest him--I hoped, especially because I cleared the scenario with my dearest friends. But, what happens when he doesn’t call or text back after that seemingly perfect conversation-- then what?
I began to worry about what went wrong because everything seemed to be in sync. I created a story in my head that could make sense of the misunderstanding going on. I had to, for the sake of my own wandering mind. I morphed into this beastly creature that became obsessed with the imaginary dialogue of, “what-ifs” and let this ruin my chance to speak to him normally, with casual flow of conversation again. From then on, I would always run circles around what situations I created and there was no way I could focus.
When the beast inside sweeps away the beauty it loses all its elegance. To gain the love we long for we must pursue it from the creator of love, not the smooth talking storytellers. In order to find patience in someone, selflessness, kindness and understanding of love we must go to the well that never runs dry, and draw from that source. Let's stop living in our imaginary community of letting a guy romanticize you, and let's have faith that God will place a guy on our path when we have become fully captivated in who He, as our father, where our guidance lies.