I would love to say that life is always sunshine and roses; that you have a bangin’ hair day, your makeup is on fleek and you get your coffee for free...but life doesn’t always work like that. Sometimes the rainbow seems like more of a gray scale semi-circle surely signaling the end of everything you once held dear, sometimes the silver lining you’ve been banking on turns out to shiny plastic, and yes, sometimes the glass really is half empty because someone careless knocked over half. So what do we do when s**t hits the fan?
Unfortunately my words of wisdom storage is running as dangerously low as my body’s caffeine percentage. Rather than hike up a hill notoriously plagued with bears and mountain lions to reach my five-star sleeping bag (ah the joys of working at camp), I am huddled in a small office space writing an article at 1 a.m., avoiding the joy that is an idle mind. Fact: Life can be really hard. Fact: The world can be a really messed up place. Fact: Sleep deprivation and emotional exhaustion only make facts one and two more apparent. Opinion: The world is as a beautiful place as you make it.
I am constantly amazed by the women I work with. I know what you’re thinking... “Tatum, they read your articles and who really cares,” but track with me for a second. My job is not a fun one, there are fun moments don’t get me wrong, but it normally consists of CPS reports, wiping tears, holding hands, and counseling girls far too young to know the things they know. In all this darkness and hurt, my staff continues to radiate light. For instance, a coworker...let’s call her Stephanie because that’s her name, is one of the most pure-hearted and wise people I will likely ever meet. Another member, Faith, is a fighter. Nothing was ever handed to her and she knows what it looks like to beautifully wear your scars. Katie Brown is compassionate, her heart hurts for those who hurt, Kymber is joy, Captain is love, Katie Burford kindness, Sarah wisdom, Michaela is truth, Marlea is forgiveness, Addie dedicated, Chai (those camp names though) beauty, and my boss, Hannah, is the kind of woman I hope to be when I grow up. Never before in my life have I been surrounded by such a wide range of stories and talents. Don’t get me wrong, we are by no means perfect, but the world seems to make a little more sense when I am supported by a misfit group of 20 somethings (album drop coming soon).
In all of the chaos that is camp, I often find myself overwhelmed by exhaustion, too many campers, and not enough time. I can’t handle it all...but my staff does. “Tatum I don’t work at camp...so...why...” You’re right, you probably don’t and God bless you if you do. My point here is exquisitely simple, find yourself people who make you believe that world can be a better place. Trust me, within the mass amount of violence and discrimination happening in the country alone it seems rather shocking that there is any hope for the human race. I, however, remain utterly and, possibly, naively blinded by the idea that we millennials have our own unique set of talents and passions (procrastination and complaining not included).
Life becomes exceedingly harder to cope with when hope is lost. Before I started this article, I was right there with you. The walls were closing in, tears were welling up, and after Mom and Dad failed to answer the phone (thanks a lot guys), I had pretty much resided to roll over and die. Too often do I get caught up in my own worry and stress, and not often enough do I look at the life around me. I am honored to be able to work with the women I work with. Not only do they continue to remind me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, but that nothing ever changes unless you get your hands a little dirty. I think, perhaps, it is time we all take a little something away here... Pull out the paintbrushes, pen your song, and sing until you lose your voice because life is much more beautiful when it's messy.