It always seems to creep up on you. One day you are just innocently surfing the web when you come across, say, a travel blog or pictures of a friend’s recent vacation, and the travel bug bites. Hard. Next thing you know, you’re looking at the cost of flights to London and wondering if it would be worth it to cash in your entire savings. The main symptom of being bitten by the travel bug is a severe case of wanderlust, and as a poor college student, it can be hard to treat this ailment. Never fear, though—there are ways to beat this bug while on a budget.
Travel Memoirs
Travel memoirs are the wanderlust victim’s best friend. They are cheap, accessible and can be read over and over. There is an incredibly wide range of these books, but for the most part, they are accounts of one person’s travels through a certain area of the world. Due to the diversity of this genre, you can always find the perfect story for the adventure you wish you could be having. There are stories of traveling with friends, traveling to find yourself, moving to a new country, backpacking through the wilderness, etc. Hit up your nearest book retailer for this cheap fix to a case of wanderlust.
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Road Trips
Often the most expensive parts of a trip are the plane tickets to and from your destination. This cost can be eliminated by driving there instead. This is especially helpful if you are traveling in a group because you can all chip in for gas, making it that much cheaper. Driving might add a large chunk of travel time to your trip, but it is a great way to bond with your group, and you can always make pit-stops at fun locations along the way.
Make your own meals
While on a trip, you can cut costs by making your own meals instead of eating out. Once you reach your destination, go to a local supermarket and get supplies for cooking throughout the trip. Some of the easiest things to make include: sandwiches (these are great for lunches because they can be brought along with you), frozen meals, macaroni and cheese, and other pastas. Take full advantage of the free breakfast buffet at your hotel as well. It is also a good idea to eat out somewhere local at least one night of your trip, just so you don’t totally miss out on local cuisine.
Eat at a new restaurant in town
If getting out of your town is just not in the realm of possibility for a while, you can always try a new cuisine. It is often said that food is the soul of a culture. By eating at an authentic restaurant, you can really let yourself feel like you have traveled thousands of miles to a faraway land. Some of the most common options to explore include: Moroccan restaurants, Pad Thai, Mexican cuisine, Greek Gyros and sushi bars.
The Travel Channel
If all else fails, a binge session of the Travel Channel is a cheap way to cure a case of wanderlust. One can only watch Anthony Bordain for so long before never wanting to travel anywhere ever again.
Wishing you safe (and inexpensive) travels.