With finals just around the corner we are all probably on the verge of pulling our hair out. It's every college student's least favorite time of the year. Your social life is not a thing right now, you stop sleeping, eating and maybe even bathing. Here are a few ways to beat the stress and stay calm during finals week.
1. Having a Productive Study Strategy
Planning and knowing exactly what you need to work on is key. Know ahead of time what you're going to review and keep your study habits effective.Schedule time every day to relax and take a little mental break. You will return refreshed and able to focus better.
2. Review Your Grades & Set Goals
Figure out your exact grades for each class and figure out what you can realistically aim for in each class. Whether you want to maintain your grade or raise it a few points, write it down and get motivated!
3. Look for Study Partners & Plan Study Groups
Studying with other people, if you can sit down and focus it is a great tactic to fill in blanks for each other. Study quizlets, flashcards, recite definitions back and forth to each other and asking each other questions is a great way to prep for your final!
4. Get Sleep
Getting a bad night of sleep can affect you negatively for days because it takes your body a few days to recover and get back on tract. Not getting enough rest can make it harder to concentrate, remember information and multitask. Sleep is known to help consolidate memory.
5. Self Care
Just like every other day, you deserve full care during the finals season. When you're studying, take breaks to maintain self- care basics like doing laundry, working out and getting a nice shower.
6. Take A Walk
One of the best ways to clear your mind is just to simply take a walk. Walking regularly can help you improve blood pressure and get mood-boosting endorphins. Take a short walk, get some fresh air and put exams in the back of your mind for the time being.