As the weather gets colder and more frigid, we all know how hard it is to stay healthy. Our friends are getting sick. Our family is sick. Our coworkers are even sick. You're constantly around people who are ill, so you know you're bound to get it eventually. However, there are some ways that you can try to avoid getting sick and beat that winter cold!
1. Stay hydrated
It's very important to drink lots of water and stay hydrated. You definitely don't want to let yourself become dehydrated because this can seriously wear down your body. Pop, coffee, and anything with caffeine makes us dehydrated, so make sure to have either water, juice, or a sports drink.
2. Get plenty of rest
Remember this: Stick to a sleep schedule. You want to make sure you're getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night. I know this can be kind of hard in college, but that is the recommended amount for our age. If you get various amounts of sleep every night, your body is going to be overly tired and sleep deprived. This can definitely wear down your health.
3. Always take your vitamins
Obviously, we all know that vitamins are an essential part of our body, so we need to make sure we get our nutrients!
4. Get lots of vitamin C!
Vitamin C is one of the main vitamins that help us fight infection and stay healthy, so we need lots of it! Drink lots of orange juice, eat applesauce, eat orange peppers, or even add Emergen-C to your morning routine! There are lots of ways you can make sure you get that vitamin C, you'll just have to do some research!
Did you wash your hands after going to the bathroom? Before eating? After touching money? In between classes? Germs are EVERYWHERE! Everything we touch has germs on it. It's even been said that phones have more germs on them than toilet seats. So, always wash your hands. If you don't have time to wash at a sink all the time, carry a hand sanitizer with you.
6. Eat healthy
Junk food isn't good for our body. It might taste good, but it doesn't give us the energy we need to focus and stay awake. The energy only lasts for a short time and then we need more. Healthy food, such as fruits and vegetables, are beneficial to our bodies and will help keep our immunities up.
7. Get your flu shot
I know people have mixed feelings about this one, but I find it really important to get your flu shot. Getting this shot doesn't guarantee that you won't be sick at all this winter, but you definitely won't have the illness as long or bad.
8. Work out at least once a week
Hard physical activity is an excellent way to stay healthy. Not only will you be toning your body, but you'll also be enhancing your immune functions. So get up off that couch and get moving!
9. Avoid stress
Stress is terrible for our bodies. It wears us down and weakens our bodies. When you are happier and more lively, you are less likely to get sick. Try to avoid things that stress you out, or simply eliminate the things that put a lot of stress on your life.
10. Dress properly
"Wearing this jacket will ruin my outfit." WHO CARES! Put it on. An outfit you wear for one day is not worth being sick for a week or more. If it's going to be in the 20's, put on a jacket, gloves, and hat. Check the weather every day to decide what you should wear to keep yourself warm.
Nobody wants to be sick. It sucks. So, we need to try our best to stay healthy. Use these 10 tips to beat that winter cold and maybe even influence others to do the same. We can all work together to stay healthy and #BeatTheWinterCold!