Beating the summer heat is hard, especially if you are from the south. Most of your days are spent trying to figure out how to stay inside somewhere or stay cool while you are outside. Now, not much comes close to refreshing you like an ice cold bubbly diet coke, but these other 17 things sure do come close to it.
Diet. Coke.
She saves us all when the times are bad. She's cold. Bubbly. And just plain delicious.
A cooling towel
You just get it wet, wave it in the air a little bit and it cools you off so fast.
Gel Sleeping Mask
Put it in the fridge, or my favorite, the freezer, put it on before bed and you will sleep feeling refreshed. And surprisingly your eyes really aren't as puffy in the morning.
Ice. Cold. Beer.
Best thing besides a diet coke to sip on by the pool. Hands down.
Frozen Grapes
They keep your drink cold without watering it down and at the end you get to eat alcohol infused grapes.
The pool
Really any body of water will do, but a pool is most accessible.
Pick your favorite. Pair it with some good chips and you have a snack to beat the heat.
Any fan you pass, you have to stop in front of it and bask in all of its windy glory.
No need to find the cold side of the pillow, it's always right there.
Whether they be your Plain Jane Popsicle or a boozy pop, they sure do keep the heat down.
Cooling Water Stick
It's literally AMAZING! You can rub it on your face before you apply makeup, or throughout the day (if you aren't wearing makeup) and it will cool down your face.
Phone Fan
You can take it with you wherever you go. It has saved my life more than once.
A wine-chilling stick
Another way to keep your wine cold? I don't hear any complaints.
Misting Water Bottles
Keeps you cool and hydrated.
This stuff saves lives. And your skin.
Drink Floaties
Who doesn't want to keep their drink in the pool and not have to hold it the whole time?