Its eyes pierce the darkness
Searching, hungry, for what you fear
Feeds off your terror in your weakness
Don't you worry - it's certainly here.
Slit-pupilled eyes like a cat
Built like the predators
Wolves, bears, and worse things that
Man has only seen in wars.
Upright it walks when it desires
Or if it wants, on all fours
And through the trees like an ape
Eyes glowing, those two small fires
Hanging, waiting for you to walk by
Prickling the hairs on your nape
Don't bother looking for it
He is obscured; you may as well try
To count the grains of sand.
Invisible, till you are marked and fit
For it to feed; he's ever hungry
And you cannot resist when he shows his hand
Pounced upon, your breath caught
Finally seeing full what Lucifer wrought
All struggles coming to naught
Not begging, not cursing God for your lot
Will save you from the Beast.
Prepare your fears, they are his feast