How many people can say they own a pet dragon? Bearded Dragons are a popular choice for new-to-reptile pet owners, and for good reason. Their almost-affectionate mild temperaments and low maintenance requirements as a pet make these interesting creatures a great addition to a variety of households, including those with children. You learn quite a few things from these Australian lizards. Here are 11 "S"s of Bearded Dragon ownership!
1. Shedding.
One day you have a earth toned lizard, then the next you have a bright orange dragon.
2. Scaring Conventional Housepets.
This lizard may have taken on a kitten, but you haven't lived until you've seen a German Shepherd run from something approximately 1/20 its size.
3. Strange Sleeping Positions.
You cannot possibly be comfortable like that, little lizard.
4. Sassy Stare-downs.
Whats wrong with you? Never seen someone eat a blackberry before? Sheesh.
5. Swimming.
To be a desert dweller, these lizards could kill the 500 Freestyle.
6. Sun Worshiping.
Get that classic tan together!
7. Salad.
I've never ate so many greens in my life, until I owned one of these little guys.
8. Spider-Eating.
All I can really say is: Bad. Ass.
9. Sexy Legs.
Who needs a milkshake to bring the boys to the yard when you've got legs for days?
10. Sticky Kisses.
No, that freckle isn't a fly. But I appreciate your prompt intervention.
11. Spiky Snuggles.
Those are just love pokes.