10 Reasons Why I Love Beacon, NY
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10 Reasons Why I Love Beacon, NY

Through The Eyes of A Non-Native.

10 Reasons Why I Love Beacon, NY
The Wall Street Journal

I have moved a total of six times in my life before finally settling down in what I like to call “the in-betweenness” or Glenham, NY, according to the USPS. I have lived in several towns, but there is only one place I call home--Beacon, NY. Not only did I live in Beacon for the majority of my childhood years, but I also attended grade school and graduated from the local high school there. Even though Beacon, NY, is not my “official" hometown, it is where I grew up. There, I met a lot of my friends and--most of all--created many memories that one day I hope to share with my kids.

Here are 10 reasons why I consider Beacon, NY, my hometown:

1. The Atmosphere

The general atmosphere of the town is welcoming. From its residents to the local events, I consider it a warm, little, artsy city. There is always something going on in the town. You can catch a local band performing a concert at the Howland Cultural Center on a Saturday night. Or, if you want fresh produce, you can walk down to the riverfront on a Sunday morning to check out the local farmers market. When you walk into a local business, you will immediately be asked if you need assistance. When you walk the many trails around town, you can expect to receive a “hello” or “how are you?” when you pass by a group of people. More recently, Beacon has become known more as a Brooklyn-type town, mainly because of its artsy-hipster vibe. As more city dwellers come up to visit and even reside in this city, many societal changes will occur, but I know that the atmosphere will always stay true to itself.

    2. The History

    The history of Beacon is interesting and native youngsters learn a lot about it at an early age. I can remember in elementary school (shoutout to Sargent Elementary) always taking field trips to the Madame Brett Homestead and the Hudson River. If you look for it, there is history all around the town. You’ll hear all about the Verplanck’s, the Rombout’s, and the Brett’s, or you will see street signs and schools named after these early families of Beacon, NY. From the town's old factory buildings to the classic historical sites that played some key parts in the Revolutionary War, Beacon is the place to be if you are a history or hiking junkie. Beacon was once a huge factory city, consisting of hat and brick factories, until the 1960’s. Even if you don’t like walking into old buildings, the grounds surrounding these sites are beautiful. Beacon is also conveniently located on the Hudson River, which brings even more history to this beautiful city. If you wish to read more information about interesting history facts about Beacon, check it out here.

    3. Spirit of Beacon Day

    When I first moved to Beacon, I had no idea what Spirit of Beacon Day was. I remember marching in my first parade with my elementary school and realizing it was a huge deal in the city. It soon became one of my favorite yearly events. It was like the city shut down for a whole day (usually the last Sunday in September) to gather on Main Street and express their pride for their home. From all of the food vendors, associations, performers, and schools, it is a great sight to see. I have had some great and interesting experiences on this day by either marching in the parade with the middle and high school marching bands, grabbing a bite to eat while listening to a local musician play, or just walking the streets with my friends. It is a great day for the citizens of Beacon.

    4. Hiking and Walking

    There are so many places to hike in Beacon. Even if you have hiked every place throughout the city, hiking the same trails provide different experiences every time. There’s Mt. Beacon, the highest peak of the Hudson Highlands. That is a great hike with an even better view at the end. Just make sure you bring good shoes and a lot of water. Then you have beautiful walking trails at Madame Brett Park and at the Hudson River, like Long Dock and Dennings Point.

    5. The Seasons

    Do you want a place where you can experience all of the seasons? Well Beacon, NY is the perfect place. From seeing the leaves change on the mountains and the ice caps on the Hudson River to the flowers blossoming on nearby pathways and the surrealness of a hot summer day, they are all perfect sights. I will not deny that we have had some harsh winters and summers, but I really don’t mind and that’s coming from a girl that hiked Mt. Beacon in the winter time.

    6. The Fireworks Display at Memorial Park

    The fireworks display at the main park in Beacon is another big event like Spirit of Beacon Day. I have gone to it for years and it is a great evening to spend with family and friends. It is a favorite of mine to layout a large blanket, eat some ice cream, and watch the large explosions of color in the sky.

    7. Second Saturdays

    Now you might find this odd since a lot of locals don’t care for Second Saturdays, mainly due to a lot of traffic and the streets of Beacon get very busy, but there is a part of me that likes Second Saturdays. This is mainly because you see or experience some pretty interesting things when tourists come up on Metro North and walk the streets. Beacon becomes very hip for 24-hours and it’s fun to pick out who is not from around here. Most of businesses and galleries will stay open later to bring in more sales. Short story: On a Second Saturday a few years ago, two guys I attended high school with played cajons and dueled each other on Main Street and made $10 off of tourists. So anything can pretty much happen on Second Saturdays.

    8. Pete Seeger and the Clearwater

    Do I need to say more? If you attended grade school in Beacon you know how much Pete Seeger made an impact in the Hudson Valley. And to add, he had a really cool banjo. We miss you Pete.

    9. The Sunsets at Long Dock

    Long Dock is pretty much my favorite spot in Beacon to go and think about things. The sounds of the river and the nice breeze that brushes over your skin brings a sense of serenity whenever you sit on the dock. I mean look at that sunset below! If you ever visit Long Dock, please do go at sunset. You will not be disappointed and if you are, please do not hesitate to email me.

    10. Beacon, NY

    Yes. Beacon, NY is the last reason why I consider it to be my hometown. I love that I can go walk up and down Main Street, get a great slice of pizza, walk into at least five antique stores and galleries, and run into someone I know. I love that we have an art museum called DIA (which I really recommend you check out sometime in your life) that has the most interesting art pieces out there. I love the fact that there are many spots around the city that have some kind of interesting artwork displayed on it. I love that I don’t consider Beacon a city because when you really think of a city, you think of NYC. I love the “You Know You Are From Beacon…” Facebook page. I love that I attended school in Beacon and if I didn’t, I wouldn’t have met my crazy friends and all of my influential teachers. I love the people, the places, and the things that make up Beacon, NY. I can go on and on about why I love my hometown and what makes it unique, but I’m not going to because as you can see I have gone on.

    Stay true Beacon, NY. Thanks for all of the memories that I will hold true to my heart and will look back upon as I start the next chapter of my life upstate. I will never encounter a town like you and I am happy about that. You will forever be considered my hometown...even though I’m not a true native to you. And I can’t wait to come back and visit you someday.

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