Now that August is upon us, everyone is trying to get in that last vacation before school begins again. Which brings a question: are you ready for the beach?
Here's a list of things you might need in order to be ready:
- towels
- a bathing suit
- sunscreen!
- some clothes to change into afterwards
- probably some cash for shopping and food
Those are some of the basics of course, but notice how I didn't say anything about physicality? Lots of articles are talking about getting in shape for the summer. The topic is all over magazine covers and social media, especially as people post pictures of them lounging in the sun on their own vacations.
But people are all different. Some of us are tall, some are short. Some are thin and limber, and some have thicker builds. But there's nothing wrong with being this way. So many of us dream of being this tall, slender but strong figure that simply isn't always possible. I can't control that I'm short- much as I would like to- and I have to learn to accept that. While my journey to self acceptance may take some time, I knew a long time ago that I wouldn't look like the models we see on posters. The thing is, those models are heavily edited. Like, heavily edited. Not that they aren't beautiful, but the final result may not even resemble the way they started!
Okay, maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. We shouldn't base how we want to look on an image that we all know was likely changed in some way, shape or form.
If you exercise, it should be so you feel good about yourself, not because of other people that likely won't even give you a second glance because they're enjoying their own vacation. I have friends that do crossfit, and they love it. Not because of how it makes their "beach body" look, but because they feel good about themselves and they're overjoyed when they accomplish something new. Heck, one of them has a video of her pulling a truck! Now how many people can say they've done that before.
Lately in my life I've been trying to be more positive, especially when it comes to myself, and I want to share that with other people. So find a bathing suit you like. Wear clothes you love, and don't worry about your body being "beach ready." Worry about having fun at the beach! After all, that's why people go isn't it?