Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and are totally disgusted at what you see? Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough or feel so ugly that you won't even go out in public, or even get out of bed? Do you ever wonder why no one appreciates you, the way YOU want to feel appreciated? Maybe this isn't the case for some of us, but I know it is for the majority of us. We are in constant battle with our own self. Some days we can kick life in the butt and take on anything thrown our way. Some days we are tired and not motivated to do anything at all. Some days we eat like crap and regret it the next day. Some days we feel skinny and beautiful, and other days we feel bloated and ugly. Is it just me or are there some days you’re an emotional wreck and cry for absolutely no reason? I pretty much do this once or twice a week!
These “flaws” that we ALL have aren’t even important, and yet we stress about them the most. Other people do not see the things we see about ourselves, and yet we are insecure, or do not open up or act the way we wish we could. Each and every single one of us are beautiful in our own way, whether we see or not. We need to stop comparing ourselves to people who photoshop their Instagram pictures. We are not living a fantasy, we are all living a reality.
We cannot dwell on our flaws for the rest of our lives, the only thing we can do is embrace them. This is just not important and this silly nonsense needs to end today! I am always comparing myself to other people and always wishing I had this or that. I am done doing that. I am done questioning the way I look. I have my good days and I have my bad days, and that’s okay. So what if I haven’t gone to the gym in a couple weeks? I will eventually find the motivation to go. So what if I’ve been eating a bag of hot fries a day? I will eventually get sick of them…(probably not!). It’s okay to go up and down on this rollercoaster of life.
This life is full of craziness and every day we face terrible moments, amazing moments, and even breathtaking moments, but we all need to remember
who we are no matter what. Be yourself. Be the person YOU want to be. Be
appreciated. Be beautiful. Just be you and never lose that. Never lose your
sense of being, because whether you like it or not, you are loved by somebody.
Somebody does love you, for you. So yeah, were going to be down ourselves
because let’s face it, that’s what we naturally do, but never forget that you
are your own kind of beautiful.