Do you ever stop and think "Am I truly happy? Am I doing what I want to do? Am I living life for myself?" If so, you're not alone. There are many people that ask themselves the same thing over and over, day after day. Many people today aren't doing what their heart truly desires, but instead they are doing what other people want them to do. They are living their life for someone else.
I'm different than most people. My friends don't fit in with the "norm." My hairstyle and my clothing choices don't meet the expectations of my family. My career choice to become a United States Marine Corps Officer disappoints my family and I'm finally starting to do what I believe will make me happy. I honestly thought I was a freak because that's how I was made to feel my entire life until high school and my freshman year of college. I realized that I don't have to hide who I am when there are people just like me. My friends have different colored hair, piercings, tattoos, they're a myriad of different sexualities, etc. With them, I feel comfortable; for once I feel as if I'm living life for myself.
Growing up, I was being molded into the "perfect child" by my family. I didn't realize it at first because I was young and didn't know any better. I thought they were just trying to guide me to become who I really am. However, as I got older, I began to notice that my heart was pulling me in a different direction than where I was headed. I knew it was time for me to make a change.
The events that followed my decision did not sit well with my family at all. In fact, it made them downright pissed. I started dress in pretty much black and white, black and red, black and blue or just all black. I changed my hair from pulled back to down and combed over to one side. My taste in music changed. I came to accept my sexuality as bisexual. I started to take control of my sports career. I started to speak my mind, and my friends were far from girly girls and stuck up jocks. To be quite honest, we're freaks, and I will proudly admit that out loud.
I finally started to feel comfortable in my own skin, and I started to care less about what people said about me. I am who I am, and no one will ever change that. I may have changed my appearance, I may have chosen friends people think are wrong for me, I may go against everything in the Bible, but, quite honestly, I don't care; I am still the bubbly, caring, best friend/mom (when I have to be) that people have come know and love. Yes, I have my devilish tendencies, but who doesn't, right? It's just a part of who we are.
I've never been the happiest person in the world, but I sure am getting there. So my message to you is this, stay true to your heart, let no one change you and keep your head held high; let your true colors shine through and trust me, you will open doors to a world you never thought could exist. This is your life, only you have to understand the path you've chosen, no one else. Live each day like it's your last because tomorrow is never a promise to anyone. Love yourself, and you'll know what true happiness is.