Democrats are blue, Republicans are red, but what's really going on inside your head?
For decades and decades, there have been Republicans, and there have been Democrats. The meanings behind them have changed and our parents and grandparents have been telling us for years how to think and who we should vote for based on what they believe is the right way to vote. But what about you? What do YOU think?
Time to get a little personal, I am a moderate. Generally speaking, I can see both sides of the argument presented politically, thus calling myself a purple and it's a little harder for me to find a candidate that I can agree with and feel good about voting for. My grandparents are conservative for the most part, and so is my dad and stepmom, my mom generally doesn't really pay much attention to politics so I never had much besides a conservative and "I don't know, just follow your gut" kind of influence. The older I got, the wiser I got (using the term loosely), meaning the more open about talking about politics at the holiday dinner table.
Nowadays, I think the two-party system sucks, and people suck. I said and I meant it. I think that everyone needs to be represented regardless if their political ideology isn't with the majority because then we have more purple in Congress, instead of just red and blue.
Purples aren't just moderates, they are green parties, libertarians, and all of the in-between of republican and democrat. They are the ones that don't identify as strictly republicans or as strictly democrats. They are us. We are that middle group, we sit here and we can see either way and sometimes it's harder to vote that way. Sometimes, it's easier to vote that way, because you aren't pre-destined with a Republican or Democrat ballot.
"But, what can I do to change that? I want to be heard, I want the candidates that align with me to be heard and equally represented!"
Great question! What you can do is go out and vote. Actively campaign for the candidate that YOU believe can change your world for the better, and one day that maybe you making that change. It sounds cliché to just say go out and vote because sometimes in all reality, the popular vote doesn't always win, in fact, it never really wins, unless it's issues and state/local government, then your vote truly matters where you have to go majority rules.
Voting is pretty simple, I promise. Letting your voice be heard and researching into what you may or may not actually believe is also a really great way of figuring out where you lie politically. This isn't a rant to get everyone to turn moderate, this is just a reality that there are way more options than just Republican like grandma and grandpa and Democrat like your best friend. Be who you are meant to be, you just gotta do a little bit of political ideology soul searching.