Church: it is not simply a place. We have transformed the idea of a church into being a place that we go to to worship God. Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them." This verse means so much because it shows that we don't have to be at church on Sunday to worship our God. The church does not exist for us; we are the church and we exist for the world.
If you knew that you were the only exposure somebody received of the Bible, would you change the way you acted? I heard a quote a while back that said, "[T]here are 67 books in the Bible. There are really only 66, but you are the 67th book and people see the Bible through you and your actions." As Christians, we must understand that people are basing their idea of Christianity off of us. Our actions dictate what is acceptable. If all we do is follow the laws of our Bible, it is almost as Pharisaic as following the biblical laws just to say that we do. Justifying public sin is just the same as saying that is it OK to sin as long as you are Christian.
"Salvation is once, but sanctification is daily." We must understand that we are not finished when salvation occurs. Our work is not done when we give our lives to Christ; we must still sanctify His name and live for Him daily. We also have to understand that everybody's story of sanctification is very different. We are all at different stages in our walk with Christ, and we cannot judge others for where they are at with theirs. Just because we have the same salvation doesn't mean that we have the same sanctification. We are all saved by the same Grace and loved by the same Heavenly Father, just as we are all lights in a sea of darkness. We must draw those in who have not seen nor experienced God in all of His Glory with our salvations and our testimonies. These are the things that connect us, no matter how different our story of sanctification is. Because our God cares so deeply about our details, they will affect any stranger who needs His word.
The mask of the church is one that becomes so distorted in the media and within His people. When we do not truly allow ourselves to be a part of the church and be authentic with each other, one may get the idea that every Christian is fake. The lie of Satan is not one of honesty but in the whispers of perfection. Christ reminds us that we will never be perfect, and we will never fully be able to be washed of our sins. No matter how hard we try, that attempted righteousness that so often is the church, the sense that we are "better," forces outsiders, or non-believers to shut down. We, the church and the community of Christ, need to be authentic with our faith and honest about our humanity. We often feed the flesh pretending to feed the spirit. How can we ever claim to be a sanctuary if we pretend we do not welcome the sick and the sinners? Our stories define us, our sins create us, but the power of our mighty God changes us.
As Christians, we must embrace those who are struggling and praise those who are thriving. We must be strong enough in our faith to put our own lives aside and live for the Kingdom. So go, go show the world. Go let His light shine through you and your actions. Go show people how God has changed your life. Go be the church.
Lay down your life and take up your cross.