I am writing this for the people in the back who need to hear this. "Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change." - Bob Kerrey
That being said, can we all stop this charade where we feel we are better than one another? Our world is a beautiful and wonderfully made world, but the way we act ruins it. We can't even be kind to ourselves, let alone each other. People seem to forget how far kindness can go. It is a chain effect, and all we have to do is be kind. There are times when people are not initially nice to us. It makes it harder for us to want to be kind to them. We think, "why should I be nice to them if they are mean to me?" That very reason is why you should be excessively nice to them. Killing them with kindness is a real thing, that needs to happen more often. Fire with fire will always make more fire. You see hatred everywhere these days: parents and kids, best friends, different nationalities, and even countries, oceans apart. The truth of the matter is that things have changed, in so many ways. The technology created today can make or break the future for us. Social media is a beautiful tragedy. When I say that, I mean that we have the opportunity to talk with people from all over and learn about all the vast cultures. This also means that people have access to say whatever they want without thinking about the effect. We could be spreading so much love, yet we choose to hate. We could change hearts and touch lives if we gave ourselves the chance. The power we each have is an amazing but scary thing. Some people see social media as the thing that has ruined us, which may be true. I see it as a second chance, and the door is wide open. You don't need to knock, just walk in and accept it. The answer to world peace has been in front of us the whole time. Some of us don't believe it, we refuse to see it because we are scared. The rest of us have to find ourselves along the way, which we will continue to do, to finally see it. It is absolutely cliché and 100% true, the way to world peace has to start with you. We are our own worst enemy but once we decide we want to be the change it will all fall into place. How about we change the world?