With Thanksgiving and the Holidays coming around the corner, I have been thinking a lot about the culture we live in and how lately I have observed people that are more absorbed in themselves than the care of others. It is very easy to not care, but good things do not naturally occur; they take effort.
We often forget to be thankful.
We selfishly check our phones just to change a song in the car, even send a quick text knowing that people die constantly from taking their eyes off of the wheel while driving.
We sometimes yell or even scream at parents when we never know how long they will be around.
We forget to say thank you or even smile at the guy who works at the grocery store.
We forget to tell the ones we love that we love them.
We maximize our time and accidentally cut out plans that are set for months, even years ahead.
We say we’ll stay in touch and never make an effort.
We forget to be thankful and appreciate who cares and has cared the longest.
Try to give more than you plan on receiving.
Remember to be an open ear for someone who needs to talk.
To text that friend you haven't seen in a while.
To keep trying in school even when you have one bad exam or even two.
To call your parents up and ask them how they're doing, and not just for gas money.
You never know when something bad might occur. Although this might sound pessimistic, it is important to always leave the house with no arguments.
Don’t hold onto hate throughout the day.
Fix issues right away, you don't need to run from them.
Think about the big picture and what you give and take from each situation.
Even the little ones.
As you enjoy the holidays. Sit around a toasty fire and think of all the ways that you can be more gracious of what you have and who you have in your life. In the past, my family has gone around saying what we are thankful for. But that is simply a word or two.
It doesn't do much unless you think deep about it every day.
Every moment in time, every decision to say or do something.
Try and look for the positives.
Holidays are a time to step back and remember the amazing life you live.
Destress. Relax.
Hug family and friends.
People often up their game around the holidays. They suddenly remember that it is a time of giving and being with family. But this shouldn’t only happen around the holidays. Creating little gifts, and cards for friends and family over the holidays is my favorite part.
Take the giving outside of your home too!
Give back to your community and the people in it.
Make blankets for the homeless, or the children in hospitals.
Clean up a local garden, or volunteer at a food bank.
Do this all year long!
Think before you speak and never forget to share a smile.