There are a lot of things I have to be thankful for this year. I have been given incredible opportunities, supportive and loving relationships, and overall good health. But I think what I am most thankful for this year, are my parents. I have been so lucky to have the mother and father that I have, and this Thanksgiving, I am taking the time to appreciate everything they put up with, and done for me this year.
Thank you for giving me the world
This opportunity to travel. You have helped me physically, financially, emotionally and in every way possible. You have literally given me the world on a silver platter, and I am truly grateful for every opportunity you have given me while studying abroad. There simply are no words that could possibly express how much your support has truly meant to me. It has been so inspiring, and so humbling, and I can only hope to give my children the same opportunities you have given me.
Thank you for supporting my dreams
In kindergarten, I wanted to be a baker. In 2nd grade, I wanted to be the first female president. Now, in 15th grade, I have no clue what I want to be. Nevertheless, with all my changing career paths, you have never doubted me for a second. You have been supportive in all my decisions, and have been in my corner every year of my life. Knowing I have both of you to lean on when shit hits the fan is the most comforting feeling, and I am forever grateful
Thank you for working so hard
I have never had to wonder if there was going to be food on the table. I never had to wonder if we would have a place to sleep at night. I have never had to go to school in dirty clothes. These are luxuries so many cannot afford, and I am so grateful to have never faced these hardships. You have worked so hard for my brother and I, and your long work days have not gone unnoticed.
Thank you for raising me right
As I have gotten older, I have discovered more and more of the morals you taught me as a child, and that I still carry with me today. You taught me to always be kind, treat others with love and compassion, to be humble and thankful, treat everyone equally, and to always do what is right. These skills have grown me into the woman I am today, and I am so proud of who I am and what I believe. I am so thankful for your guidance, and I look forward the lessons you still have to teach me.
Thank you for teaching me not to take life too seriously
Not everything in life is going to turn out the way I want, and most of the time I'm not going to get my way. Thank you for teaching me that life isn't always fair, and that's okay. When one door closes, another one opens, and as cliche as that is, thank you for that lesson. Thank you for reminding me to enjoy the little things in life, and to take hardships with a grain of salt.
No article can encompass everything you two have done for me, but it's a start. Thank you mom and dad!