Have you ever been inspired by someone who has changed your life and the way you view things? If so, then you have seen the difference it has made in people's lives in a positive way. I find my inspiration from the people and environment in the gym.
When you are the owner of a gym, your responsibility is to protect your gym's mojo. What do I mean about that? Mojo in your gym is a collection of teamwork, enthusiasm, positive energy and work ethnic. When you go to a gym, you can see whether or not a gym has an incredibly strong mojo. You see everyone training hard, sweating and not screwing around. The crowd seems to motivate one another when someone is going after a big lift or when they feel like giving up.
We should be around positive people that motivate us to do our best, whether it is in the gym, in a relationship, at work, home or in school. When we surround ourselves with positive people, we remove that negative vibe that exists around us and in this world. Doing this will help us enrich our lives.
Successful people surround themselves with positive people. Positive people help you feel good about yourself. They help you build your self-esteem because they have a strong sense of self-esteem. Positive people are there when you begin to doubt yourself.
The people around you have an amazing impact on your view of life. When you surround yourself with negative or cynical people, you become negative and cynical. On the other hand, when you surround yourself with positive, self-confident people, you become positive and self-confident. On the other hand, a,t some point in your life you are going to have to deal with a negative person. Maybe you are one yourself. Then, worse than that, there's the toxic person. That's a whole different level of negativity! What do I mean by a "toxic person?" A person who will bring others down including you, to make themselves look and feel better; a person who lives their life by being bitter, angry and defensive; a person who is negative toward others and tries to infect others with their negativity. These are the people that leave us drained, unsettled, tired and negative.
Choose to nurture yourself by spending time with people who lift you--and others--up instead of putting them down, because if they put others down, they most certainly put you down, whether you realize it or not.
When you’re surrounded by good people, you’re surrounded by life. You’ll be less stressed and find more joy in daily things. Today, make a commitment to start spending more time with the good people in your life.