Racism (n): belief that all members of a certain race has characteristics that define it as inferior or superior to another race
Prejudice (n): preconceived opinions or biases that are not backed by rational evidence or experience
Bigotry (n): intolerance and narrow-mindedness towards different opinions
1. You believe that the amount of melanin defines one character.
Who knew that those pigments had the ability to determine a person’s potential–it’s mind-blowing, really.
2. It’s not always skin-deep (excuse the pun).
Although you do place physical appearances on a pedestal, other aspects such as religious tolerance and cultural appreciation are foreign to you.
3.You don’t appreciate diversity.
Why be different when you can all be the same, right?
4. You’re not the biggest fan of the “all men are created equal” shindig.
Your rights and freedoms are worth more than the person next to you—privilege and entitlement? Sign me up!
5. Trump is your savior.
That very experienced businessman—sorry, politician—will make America great again.
6. You love blaming others for your own problems.
Swerve that responsibility and point those fingers, you’re doing good.
7. Your mantra has become “ignorance is bliss.”
Why educate yourself to become more aware of making informed decisions when you can just assume? The answer to this question is uncanny.
8. You channel stereotypes.
If you could use a label maker with people, you would.
9. You’re an “all or nothing” type of person.
One individual did something wrong? Let’s just blame the entire race and call it even.