If you are like me, you want to live a life without regrets and sometimes they aren't as big as that outfit choice for your 8th grade picture day or that hairstyle you thought would be cute because you were "feeling something different". It's doing things in your day to day life that you don't even notice that helps you live a more fulfilled life. Especially living in a world that is so centered around social media and ourselves. We are more focused on the admittedly hilarious Trump memes or the latest "tea" on Rob and Chyna. So as a reminder to you and myself here are a few ways to stay present!
This is so important. Don't be the person at a family meal, coffee date or brunch with friends glued to Snapchat. Put it on silent and enjoy the company around you. You can get back to that dog filter and creepy map after.
2. Ask Questions & Listen.
Next time you ask the usual "How are you?" and they respond with the usual "good" or occasional "dying inside, what about you?". Ask them what about their day has been good or maybe not so great. You learn a lot about people and make stronger face to face connections.
3. Practice Some Freaking Gratitude.
When you take time to be thankful for what you have and who you have around you being present with them becomes second nature.
4. Open Your Eyes.
I know it's awkward showing up to a lunch date before the person you are meeting gets there and it's really easy to seem "interested" in organizing the contents of your bag or pretending to text. But in this case look around, make eye contact with strangers or observe the weather outside