Have you ever noticed yourself complaining about something and then realized how trivial it was? Whether it is being annoyed about a lack of Wi-Fi or whining that Chick-fil-A isn’t open on Sunday, there is always something people feel the need to complain about. People use complaints to fill voids in empty conversations. “I don’t want to be here right now ... I hate this heat ... My job is horrible ... I hate waking up early for school.” It is sad to see it, even harder to hear it and even more dreadful to realize how much you complain yourself.
We forget how blessed we are and tend to let little things that don’t go exactly our way bother us. Also, we bring negativity into our bigger endeavors, in larger aspects of our lives, such as a job, school or even things we once liked, but now all we do is complain about it. Perhaps, you love to take dance lessons, and now every dance class seems like an annoyance to you. You complain about how long the classes are and that you’re too tired to even be there. Why do we do this?
Solution: Think positively! Your options at this point are to either find peace in everything life gives you or to strive to change it. If it’s a job you truly like, but you complain when it gets hard sometimes, realize how blessed you are instead of looking at the downside; however, if you really hate it, start looking for a new job. No matter what, your mindset and the vibes you radiate to others impact you and the people around you more than you think. When you are positive through life it makes things seem a lot more bearable, and it rubs off on others. Be the uplifter!
Question: How can I do this? Yes, we all know it is hard to be positive all the time, especially when life throws curve balls at us, but positivity doesn’t always mean being happy. It means finding grace and amity even when you’re experiencing difficult or frustrating times. Our emotions literally affect every part of our bodies. What life hands us and what we feel about our lives depends greatly on how we interpret and respond to things.
Ways we can emit positivity are to first and foremost always show gratitude. Appreciate people and experiences that help you grow in life. Next, let the little things go. Getting worked up over the wrong Starbucks drink or a bad customer isn’t worth the time. Thirdly, be confident in yourself and do things for you. Whether it is meditating or just taking a daily walk to clear your mind, it helps to gain focus. Set frequent goals for yourself and remember where you want to go, what a strong person you are, and the type of person you want to be in their eyes. Avoid negative influences. Think of the roots of negative problems, and fix it or get rid of it. Life's too short to let things that make you miserable or irritable play a role in your life. Be compassionate to those around you, it encourages people to think positively. Don’t be afraid of failure or embarrassment or being the only positive one in a group, it will make the difference.
Lastly, accept where you are at your point in life. It gets hard when you think your life isn’t playing out the way you had expected. Maybe you think you should be making more money, getting better grades or working at the job of your dreams, regardless, remember life is meant to be unexpected. Be thankful for what you do have and what you have made of yourself so far. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Take a deep breath and breathe.