Sometimes, as Christians, we can undermine the Lord without even realizing it. We forget how powerful our Lord really is. We think that He is just a small aspect when moving forward in our life but in fact He is so much more than that. He is greater than we could ever imagine. God's love is so incredibly hard for us to comprehend. His love is greater than anything we will come across in our life. When we mess up, someone may be mad and leave you but God never will. He is just that committed to you. Prayer is what the Lord is here for. Just pray to him. Be persistent with the Lord is the main message for today.
My favorite Bible verse on this topic is Matthew 7:7- "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." We must trust in God's plan. It is easy for us to trust in materialistic things to get us by but what truly gets us by in life, is the Lord's help. Lord's words are what fuel our need to keep on living. As Christians, we forget that God's plan is in fact the right one. He has had this plan from the very beginning. We need to trust in him and know that he will show us the right path. It is our duty to pray to him in times of frustration, confusion, or even thanking him for the life He has given us. It is our duty to use the power of prayer and utilize his gift of life. Once you establish a good foundation in pray with God, then you will grow to trust him more. Just like in any relationship, trust is important and what better is trust important than your relationship with God? Persistence really pays off and shows in your faith. Once you invest yourself in something you are passionate, whether it is in a job or relationship, persistence is key. Jesus tells his Disciples that they should consistently pray even when the circumstances may not line up. Circumstances are simply there to get in the way with your relationship with Christ. You should always forego worrying about the circumstances and immediately turn to prayer. Replace the doubt you may hold in the Lord, with pure faith. Faith can get you so far in life and especially in prayer. We must also pray with thanksgiving. Praying as a way of thanking God is the best route to go. Since God has given us the best gift EVER, we must take time out of our busy lives to thank him for giving us a beating heart and working lungs.
So consider this: how will you practice being persistent in prayer? How will you show God that you need him and his good work?