As the world adjusts to this new "normal" I think we're all faced with the same questions. When will this be over? Will life ever be the same? Will we be okay, ever? I know that as my days have turned into weeks, and soon they'll meld into months, I become simultaneously more content and more suspicious, if that's possible. It's human nature to wonder and to feel vulnerable when we don't have all the answers. This is one of the biggest puzzles that we've had to face in recent memory, so it only makes sense that people would feel uncomfortable and question the future. In this situation, however, ignoring the advice of professionals and seeking out answers for ourselves could cost people their lives.
Therefore, as some places begin to discuss transitioning back to life as we knew it, I encourage everyone to not jump at the first chance to get out, but instead be patient. Keep in mind all of the knowledge we've learned from countries who were affected by COVID-19 before the United States, and be a part of the population that reduces the impact of this virus, not a part of the people who ignorantly continue to pursue a normal life in spite of the people they put at risk. Show some respect to all of the essential workers who have been diligently continuing to fight this battle while still having to live their own life. Try to keep in mind that by sacrificing now, we could be saving ourselves a lot of time, resources, and loss in the future.
All of this waiting and wondering is difficult, yes, but it's necessary. Home life may not be the most ideal right now for many people, but it's necessary. Being apart from friends or getting the school-year cut short may be heartbreaking, but it's necessary. Being patient and waiting out this incredibly difficult time is the best thing we can do to honor ourselves and our humanity. At the end of the day, all we can do is wait. In the mean time, try to figure out more about yourself. How do you function alone? What's your favorite way to spend time? What to good days for you look like? Bad ones? Nothing lasts forever, and even if life is never the same, maybe that's a good thing. Perhaps we needed a change to rock our world, but we won't find out if people don't hunker down and respect the rules and restrictions in place.
So please, stay inside when you can. Be patient with the world. Good luck.