Being nice to people seems like such a simple task. It seems obvious and expected. Yet, many of us unconsciously decide against it. I am no exception. I did not hold the door for the man behind me as I walked into the library today. I wish I did, but I didn’t. I found myself making an excuse to justify my actions…I was in a rush.
You never know what someone is going through. It sounds cliché, but it is so true. When I leave campus, I go home. No one here on campus knows about my life at home, and I do not know about theirs. When it comes to people you see in passing, you may never know any personal details about them. You may never know where they live, if they are in a relationship, where they work, or even their name. This does not make them unimportant. Instead, it means that you have even more reason to be kind. You do not know what they are going through, and something as simple as holding the door for them as they enter a building can set a positive basis for their day.
Starting a conversation with someone who looks lonely or upset can change that person’s entire outlook on their day. It can make them feel important and comfortable to be themselves. I know that from experience. On the very first day of my freshman year of high school, a girl came up to me and asked me my name. I was shy and awkward and never would have had the courage to introduce myself. I answered. This past December, we celebrated out fourth anniversary as a couple.
Smiling is contagious. Seeing someone walk by with a smile on their face makes me feel good. Making a difference in the world can be as simple as that. If everyone made a conscious effort to be kind, the world would change. Being nice is something that should come naturally. We should automatically treat everyone we see with respect. Still, sometimes we don’t. That doesn’t make you a bad person. It simply means that you are human.
I am positive you have heard this all before. This is not breaking news. Still, it is worth another thought. It is a message so important that it cannot be seen or heard enough. We are all people and we are all special. Yes, we all have our own individuality. That is something that should be celebrated. But still, underneath our appearance, social standing, popularity level, team membership, and everything else, we are all human. Keeping this in mind as you go through your typical day will make a difference, whether you realize it or not.
I am going to try to make sure that I do not pass up any opportunity to do something kind. I encourage you to do the same.