Have you ever been promised something by a friend and he or she never carried through with it? I’m sure the unanimous answer is “yes.” We have all, at some point or another, been the ones who make empty promises to our friends or been on the receiving end of that awful line. Empty words are hurtful and demonstrate a lack of trust and commitment.
What if our intentions, promises, and words matched up with realistic expectations? There would be a lot less hurt and remorse in this fallen world of ours. Empty words and promises result in the loss of friendships and relationships. We need to be honest with ourselves and ask: “Is it really worth it?” Should I compromise this friendship out of impractical guarantees?
Famous people speak empty words and promises constantly. We are so intrigued and inspired by the media that we often get caught up in a false sense of reality.
We need to mend our broken promises and renew trust with those people that matter the most to us.
We should all strive to be individuals of integrity and honesty. In other words, we need to be the friend that others can count on no matter what. Make promises that you can stick to and speak meaningful words. By doing this, you can ensure steady and consistent relationships as opposed to the broken relationships that come from empty words and shallow commitments.
On a different note, spend time with those people who matter the most to you. Never take one second of your life for granted. Furthermore, this life does not BELONG to us. Our gracious Savior gave us life on Earth so we would have the opportunity to share the Gospel and Christ’s unending love with others before eternity. So, since we only have a limited time here, let’s season our words with salt and only make promises that we can keep. Empty words are just that: empty. Speak words in truth, love, and wisdom.
“Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart.” ~Proverbs 3:3
Serve others. Love on others. Be the “hands and feet of Jesus” to the least of these. Be the Light, Show the Light, and Spread the Light everywhere you go. Make a big impact on this dark world. Be the ray of sunshine in someone’s cloudy day. Be there for your friends in the good and bad times. Empty words do not add happiness to this hard world. Instead, make your speech worthwhile and equivalent to your actions. Contrary to popular belief, words can be more powerful than actions, but in order to be a person of integrity our words and actions must align!
{Make empty words a thing of the past; make realistic promises and follow through with them to the finish line!}