We all know a human being or two that have no filters in what they say whatsoever. It’s as if they have no fear of being judged for the words they say but rather fear of not being able to express what they want to say. I admire people who are blunt, because their words will always speak real with you. They don’t like to lie, or sugarcoat anything because the purpose of their words is too honest and their intentions are straightforward.
This may seem quite opposite from the West Coast culture, where we are taught to be gentle, polite, and sensitive to other people’s feelings. We have to be extra cautious before our words leave our tongue because of the fear that it will go and harm others. We put a filter around our lips, and in our brains so that the words we express do not leave scars around our friends. Yet, the reason why I admire these inconsiderate, insensitive, rude people are because they are not afraid to speak their minds.
People who truly care about you don’t want to hurt you in any way. However, even more than that, they want you to be happy and prosperous. So when we stray away from the path we are supposed to stay on, these blunt people are the ones who will lead you back. It may sound inconsiderate at times, and it may hurt your feelings, but regardless, their intentions do not mean any harm to be done.
Contrarily, there are people who speak with the taste of sugar but without any sincerity. These people often glaze you with their slithering words to achieve their own goals rather than yours. I’ve always distrusted people who aren’t able to give me their truest opinions about something. In many cases, they are either too afraid that their comments will damage the relationship or they want to lead you in a direction of their own needs. But like in any case, we have to watch out for their words, because all words, will eventually come with a price.
People with words which speak without any consideration of others, most likely reveal their truest opinions on a subject. While it may be more bitter pill to swallow, I hope that all of us can be a little more honest even if it means being a little bit more rude. While relationships are important to us and the people are our treasures, the best way to protect them isn't to hide them from the truth they need to hear. It will always be the truth that help them overcome their flaws and to grow, not by compliments without any sincerity. Speak your truest opinions, whether it's criticizing or complimenting and do not be afraid to criticize more than you compliment. They are both very important in relationships but only one so often gets recognized as real.