I can see it in my mind's eye. A beautiful home decorated with an eclectic mix of modern things and gorgeous antiques. Each piece has a story and a memory behind it that I will cherish. Smells of roasted stuffed chicken and homemade pies will waft from the kitchen as two young children play candy land on the family room floor. I will await my husband's arrival home from work while taking a few minutes to reorganize the hall closet. It is a glorious vision in my mind.
It should be understood that I value my education and I am passionate about my studies. I enjoy learning and I look forward to attending law school and becoming an attorney in the next three to four years. I am someone with personal goals in many different areas including education, career, fitness, and home life.
I am confident in my ability to succeed and clear and comfortable with my desires. But, while I am excited to see what I can accomplish both in school and in a career, I am also looking forward to having a man in my life to be my husband and partner.
I believe that men and women are very different. While we are equal as human beings and deserve equal rights, we are far from the same. There are biological, chemical, physical, and emotional differences. There are things that women are more suited to and things that men are more suited to.
I do not subscribe to the belief that "women can do anything men can do" because I know that there are things men can do that I can't and there are things I can do that they can't. I see this as a positive thing. I wouldn't want to be with someone that can do anything I can do or vice versa. It is the differences between men and women that are interesting and appealing to me.
I have been told by my peers that it is setting progress behind to want to care for a man and children and to be willing to give up some of my domestic control. I do not see it that way. I see it as a choice that I am making for myself.
I am no less of a person or a woman because I think that a slightly more patriarchal home life is desirable. Being a homemaker is a beautiful way to spend one's life. It is not for everyone and it is not without problems but it is the life that I covet and look forward to pursuing.