Speaking one's mind in a tasteful and appropriate way seems to be strangely rare. Perhaps saying how one feels is more difficult than it seems. We fall behind screens and mix our own emotions because we have forgotten how to communicate. We need to remind ourselves to listen to new ideas, have meaningful conversations face to face, and spend time with those we love. Never forget to take in the moments and give your attention to them. Leave nothing undone or unsaid. It's important to remember to not only be honest, but also to be kind.
Love someone? Tell that person. Tell him or her right now, while you are in the moment, and when you have the time to do so. Because sometimes you don't, it's too late, the moment isn't there, or you can't anymore. If you do love someone, tell that person now and say it with your whole heart.
Miss someone? Make a phone call. Write a letter. Send flowers--"Thinking of you." This emotion shouldn't be ignored, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It happens. It's human. When you do voice your thought, that person will most likely be happy that you did. It's like saying "you're important to me, you make my life better." Who wouldn't want to hear that?
Need help? Reach out. It's okay to ask for help. Whether it be "this math problem is difficult," "I don't know what to do about ____," "I think I need to see someone about ____," "I need a shoulder to lean on," "I can't do this by myself," or "I'm going through a rough patch," someone is bound to be there to offer some advice. Key point: You are not weak for asking for help. You are strong because you did.That takes real courage if you ask me.
Have an opinion? Voice it. If it's valid and will add to the conversation in a respectful manner, let it be heard. Your words can move mountains. They're powerful and meaningful, don't let someone else tell you otherwise. Never underestimate the impact you can make through the strength of your speech.
Have a dream? Chase it. There will be countless obstacles in your way. People will give a list of a thousand reasons why your dream isn't feasible. But it's not their dream, it's yours. Playing it safe will lead you to unhappiness. You must take risks to live a full life free from regrets.
Carpe Diem. Go get 'em.