This article was originally supposed to be about how this school year has gone by so fast and then have a list of quotes to help you get through the last month. When I was looking for different quotes I started seeing different statistics for how many people in the world are uneducated. Of course, I realize that not everyone is lucky enough to have the private education that I have been afforded, but until you're looking at statistics you don't realize how big of an issue it actually is. All of that being said here are some statistics about education around the world.
25 million kids will never go to school in their lifetime.
If you are lucky enough to be getting an education, at any level, don't take it for granted. Take complete advantage of all of the resources you are given access to. There are so many people that wish they could be in your position.
17 million of those kids are girls.
There is absolutely no reason that boys should have more access to education than anyone else. Everyone should be afforded the same level of education no matter what gender they are.
A student living in poverty is 13 times less likely to graduate on time.
I know there isn't one easy solution to everything, but these kids deserve more help than they are getting. Not having as much money as someone else shouldn't put you at a disadvantage when it comes to your education.
As you are studying for finals this semester and all you want is for it to be summer, remember these statistics. Remember how lucky you are to be receiving any sort of education. Do not let it go to waste. Put effort in when you're studying and do well in school so one day, maybe, you can help the people that don't get that luxury.