In just a short amount of time, our world has been thrown into chaos and so many lives have been impacted. The effects of COVID-19 have devastated so many people. From people becoming gravely ill, to schools shutting down, and to people losing their jobs, these have been trying and uncertain times.
It is easy to be fearful and feel hopeless while watching events unfold around the world.
However, I have come to realize that while so many horrible things have happened due to the pandemic, there are still many good things that have come out of it.
I have realized that I have so much to be grateful for and I have been able to understand what is important in life.
These are the 10 things that COVID-19 has reminded me not to take for granted.
Going out to eat
I never realized how much I would miss going to my favorite coffee shop or going to dinner with friends. Before COVID-19 broke out in the U.S, I never understood how much I took being able to eat at my favorite restaurants for granted.
After all this is over I will appreciate eating out with my family and friends SO much more.
Being able to go to school
I think any high schooler or college kid can agree that online classes suck. Personally, I have struggled to stay on top of all of my assignments and feel confident in my classes.
Without online classes, I never would be able to understand how lucky I am to be able to go to class. I definitely won't be skipping classes next semester.
Going out
Lately I've been thinking about all the times this year I passed on the opportunity to go out with friends. Now that I cannot see any of my friends, I wish I would have taken more time to go have fun with friends.
College is tough, but being able to go out and hang with friends makes the stress of class worth it. Next semester, I will definitely be more enthusiastic about going out with my friends.
Ability to travel
Like many people, I had to cancel my spring break trip due to the corona outbreak. While I was bummed out to be canceling the trip I had planned for so long, I realized how privileged I was to be able to travel in the first place.
Travel restrictions have left me feeling grateful for all the amazing places I have been while also making me excited to be able to travel in the future.
Hugs from loved ones
Nothing makes me feel better when I'm having a rough time then a big from a loved one. While being able to FaceTime and text people I care about it great, it cannot replace the feeling of being with them.
No one is invincible. Things such as COVID-19 can affect anyone regardless of age. As I see so many people around me who have been greatly affected by illness, I have become grateful for my health.
I have taken my health for granted so much. After this outbreak ends, I will continue to be grateful for being healthy.
Our jobs
So many small business owners and workers have been devastated by quarantine regulations. COVID-19 has not only caused people to fear being ill but also wonder how they'll make ends meet.
In times like this, I feel extremely lucky to have plenty of food and a safe place to live. During this pandemic, I will help support small business owners in any way that I can.
Everything we DO have
I have realized that I have so many amazing things in my life to be grateful for: family, friends, my home, etc. It's easy to feel like corona has taken so much away from us, but there are still so many wonderful things we have.
I may not be able to go to classes, but I still have the ability to take them online. I may not have as much freedom to go places, but now I have more free time.
Corona has shaken up our way of life, but it has also given us a chance to slow down and reflect.
Family and friends
It's easy to feel overwhelmed and alone during all of this. I've had to remind myself that I'm not alone and I have a network of people that I can lean on.
While I may not be able to see my loved ones, I know that they will always be there.
Once all of this ends, being with family and friends will be so much more meaningful.
Each day
Something I've learned recently is that nothing is guaranteed. One day life can be normal, the next it can change completely.
I've learned that I need to take life one day at a time and just appreciate the present moment. I've also learned that it isn't worth holding grudges or being angry because life can change in the blink of an eye.
Once this ends, I will never pass up on opportunities and I will live each day to the fullest.