Music majors are often extremely misunderstood and underrated. Few people know the struggle of what it takes to complete a degree in music performance or education. Although I'm not a music major, I have seen the amount of work, time, and dedication it takes to pursue a degree in this field.
Through playing in various ensembles at Kansas State University, I have met many music majors and have only scratched the surface of what is to be expected from these students. People often think that music is an easy degree, but they hardly take into consideration the time commitment and expectations put upon music majors.
Whether they're studying music education or performance, I believe everyone should have at least one music major friend. Here are 5 reasons everyone should befriend a music major.
1. Close knit community, they'll help you build relationships
In the music department, especially here at K-State, nearly everyone knows everyone. Once you meet someone in who is a music major, you're probably going to know about five other music majors by the end of the week. Not to mention, most people are incredibly friendly and willing to talk with you about nearly anything.
2. They know the struggle and are no strangers to hard work
Like I stated previously, music majors are very misunderstood, but incredibly hard working. They have to deal with lessons, various ensemble groups, be pro-efficient in multiple instruments, playing tests, performances, and the list goes on.
This is on top of all the outside requirements they must complete for their degree. They know the struggle far too well, and more often than not, put up with more than a majority of other majors do.
3. They’re passionate about what they do
Music majors aren't in it for the money, they're in it because it is what they are passionate about. Whether it's performing for all ears of all ages to hear, composing for the masses, or wanting to educate and inspire the next generation, music majors do what they do because it's what they love.
4. They're reliable and will always be there even when you need help
Yes, they are the ones who will be up at 2 AM to take your crisis calls (mainly because this is when they usually practice). Not all music majors are great at giving advice, but the ones that are will know exactly what to say. When you need a shoulder to cry on, they'll be there. When you need someone to complain to, they'll be there. When you want to learn how to play the piano, they'll be there!
5. They’ve got a great taste in music and appreciate all different genres
Most importantly, music majors have a great taste in music! Going on a road trip? Just make sure to have a music major along. Their "roadtrip playlists" will be on fire, as it will feature everything from Led Zeppelin to Eric Whitacre to Beyonce.